The Beginning

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London, February of 2022

I had to get away. My neighbor was going to cause me to commit murder if I didn't. I mean, how many times can you screech on the violin before you just give up trying to learn? I certainly wish Mr. Klein would ponder that question! Nonetheless, it's a beautiful, cloudy day, so why not go for a drive?

After putting on my striped, button-up shirt, grabbing my driver's license, which had 'Molly Adelaide Wright' printed neatly above my blonde-haired photograph, and slipping on my Tennis shoes, I hopped into my yellow Volkswagen Bug. I then inserted the key and, after several tries of getting the engine started, I pulled out of the driveway, my small, but functional home now fading from my sight, thankfully.

Boy, was I glad to get away. Not to say that I don't fancy living in London, I've just had about enough of the hustle and bustle of city life. All of the constant working and sleeping and working and sleeping rubbish is just too much. Which is why, right now, I don't care where I end up, as long as I end up somewhere.

As I began to leave London behind, I finally 'let my hair down.' Now, I could let loose like I wanted to and enjoy this amazingly beautiful day.

Rolling the windows down and turning up the radio, I started to have fun, something I don't remember having in the previous months, or maybe even years of my life.

Just as I rounded a corner, one of my favorite songs of all time came on, I Want to Hold Your Hand, by The Beatles. Even though they, The Beatles, broke up way before I was born, I'm still a huge fan. It's actually quite sad that this is the first time I've thought of them in a while. I guess work really does have me worn to the frazzle.

"Oh yeah I tell you somethin', I think you'll understand. When I say that somethin,' I want to hold your hand! I want to hold your hand! I want to hold your hand!" I sang as the cool wind blew my hair all around. What a feeling, indeed!

As I continued to sing, I felt the world's stress leave me and the joy of music consume me. That feeling was a feeling I love more than anything, and I quickly realized that this drive was certainly a good idea. The way I'm feeling, nothing could change my world. Nothing could ever spoil my mood. Nothing at all.

Too bad that wasn't true, though, because suddenly, it happened.

"No!!" I managed to scream before I jerked the steering wheel to the right, which caused me to crash into what appeared to be a silver Lexus in the other lane.


Everything went black.

Paul's introduced in the next part, which will be much longer, so I hope you'll stick around, even though this introduction was typical and badly written, haha.

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