Chapter 19

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"Is that hickeys on your neck?" Namjoon asked. I got scared and moved back a little bit. "Gi, who gave you these hickeys?" Yoongi was walking towards me.  "Oppa, relax. Don't be mad" He then looked at Jimin. "It was him right?" He pointed at him. "Hyung, just chills," Jimin told my brother. I mean, looking at him, he was lost in his thoughts.

I was really sweating and man this was really getting scaring more than the horror movies I have watched in my entire life. Jimin, however, he too was sweating.

He was shivering and that made me wanted to laugh loud but I not this time. This time was like space with no sound between my brother, Jimin and I.

Is it hot in here or what because I can sense that I'm sweating. Oh God, help us. I don't want to die, I'm too young to die. I have  a future to fulfill. I just looked at my friends and to my surprise, they were smirking. So ungrateful.

"Guys, help me out here." Jin, Jhope, the girls, Henry, Ben, and Kate looked away. "Thanks for nothing" I got annoyed and decided to tell him the truth. "Okay Oppa, the truth is, we... We did it" when I said it, he stood there speechless.

"YOU WHAT?" Namjoon yelled and I could see Taehyung's jaw dropped. "Oh my, holy shit" Jungkook cursed and I was dead inside of me.

"Y...yeah" I was shivering. "You guys did it?" Yoongi said. "Y...yes" Jimin and I declared. "I am so proud of you guys" Everyone got shocked of what he said. He even hugged us. "Wait you aren't mad?" I was confused. "Why should I be mad. I am going to be an uncle unless you guys did it..." He teased us. "Yeah, they did it" Jin yelled. "Oppa" I pout.

Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Baekhyun came to Jimin. "Congrats dude, you are gonna be a father and we are gonna uncles. ". Then we both looked at each other and smiled. Everyone cheered up for us and we all got happy.

"Yeah, and I am gonna be a little sister" Kate smiled and we laughed. " Yeah but I haven't seen symptoms of pregnancy yet. " I brought their attention. "You will soon Gi" Jisoo patted my shoulder.

A few hours later, Kate and Ugo fell asleep. I was still curious about what brought about this apocalypse. Zombies are everywhere.

  Then Taehyung spoke up which made me raise my head. "Okay, what are we gonna do in this situation now? I am sick and tired of this apocalypse." "Who can make this virus?" Ben questioned making us confused and want more of the information. Then an idea popped up in my head.

"Why don't we find out what happened before this apocalypse came up?" They got confused before Baekhyun spoke. "And how are we gonna do that? We barely know where a lab is."

"It's kinda dangerous outside," Jin claimed. Jungkook stood up making us confused. "Guys, I know where a lab is". He said which made me kinda happy but Namjoon got up and said  " Okay, it is dangerous and we are not going to find the thing which made this apocalypse come and we will be leaving this city within two days."

"Why do you have to save yourself Namjoon? Why? There are lives out there trying to recover and saved by us. Don't you wanna save innocent lives? They didn't plan to turn into hideous and disgusting Zombies. They are depending on us to save them whether it takes my life in saving them then I will do that"

I made everyone surprised. Like they stared at me like I was the president of South Korea, giving a speech. Jimin stood up and came to me. He started to fake cry and I just went blank. Here we go again "Gi, that is the sweetest thing you have done in your life. I am so proud of you". Jimin hugged me.

"What she is saying is the truth and I will risk my life too. I am in" Jhope said."You guys are nuts, do you want to turn into one of them huh? " Namjoon yelled at both of us. " I can't let you guys do it alone, count me in" Baekhyun stood up.

"Yeah, me too" Jennie stood up as well. "If my little princess is gonna risk her life in saving this city, then I am in too" Yoongi smiled. "Yeah, count me in as well," Jisoo said. "If Mina, Sana, and Soobin are there too then I am in this plan."

Henry and Ben stood up. Everyone except Namjoon agreed to save the people. "Come on Namjoon, for the people," I said and he agreed.

We yelled in excitement which woke Kate up. "Why are you guys yelling?" She rubbed her eyes. "Sorry sweetie but we are gonna save the city." I smiled and everyone said " YES".

To be continued 💕

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