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"What are we going to do Sir? The virus is spreading and it's getting out of control. We all gonna die from this. "

"Why don't you Shut up, and let me think for a second"

"Boss, we can't let the virus go into the atmosphere. Everyone in the city is going to be infected with this poisonous substance. They aren't lab rats for you to experiment on. You are insane, you are crazy. "

"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP. I know you this isn't the time for argument here but the people are in danger and we have to stop this"

"But how are we gonna stop this virus from spreading, you know we only have four minutes to get out of here"

"The building will soon be filled with zombies"

"Ummm guys...."
Still arguing

Zombies moving towards them.

"What are we gonna do, what are we gonna do. They are heading towards us"

"You better do something Mr. Min"

"Well there is only one to do that" Mr. Min opening a big red button on his lab desk.

"This is the only way to free the people from this virus, by blowing up the entire laboratory"

"Are you mad, Mr. Min, you know you spent over millions on this laboratory and you're gonna explode it. "

"What do you want me to do then, huh, our families are in danger and this is the only way and speaking of, zombies are heading our way so if you want to be part of them then go ahead , no one is stopping you Mr. Park. "

Mr. Min getting ready to press the button.

"I'm sorry for doing this to you Honey. It's for our baby girl, Min Gi"

Pressed the button.

"We better get out of here as soon as possible"

"No, I'm not leaving, you go ahead without me."

"Mr. Park, are you nuts? In a few minute the building is going to blow up and you are staying here to die? What about your Wife and Son, Park Jimin, are you going to leave them behind huh? This isn't you Mr. Park, you are better than this,now stop saying nonsense and runnnnn"

Being chased by Zombies. When they stepped out of the building, they heard a loud explosion.

"Ahhh sweet relief"

"Ummm, what's that on your neck Nancy?"

Touching her neck

"Oh no, Mr. Park, run with me,NOW."

Nancy transforming into a zombie.


Let the story begin

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