Chapter 25

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Writer's pov
Namjoon and the others were very anxious about Gi. "I wish Gi is gonna be fine" Jennie sadly uttered with tears in her eyes. Rose saw it and consoled her.

"Don't Jenny, our beautiful girl is strong. She will be fine" She hugged Jennie and patted her back to stop her tears. Namjoon and Henry were still finding the virus which brought the Zombies alive.

"We have to find this immediately or else is gonna be late for us to save the city", Namjoon said and Henry calmly agreed with him. Baekhyun and Ben were looking for chemicals and checking around the case that the Zombies were in. They continued to do their investigation.

Meanwhile, at Gi's place, Gi was still unconscious and she was being taken care of by Jungkook as Jimin told him to take care of her as they are decorating the place for Gi's surprise party. Jungkook gracefully agreed and he was taking care of her upstairs in her room.

"So let's start with this one. What do you think?" Jisoo took out a lot of baby pictures.

"These are so cute" Kate smiled and Jisoo giggled at her reaction. Jimin agreed and Yoongi as well. They finally concurred with the pictures and pasted think on the wall.

"Why do you guys have this room and baby pictures as well hyung?" Jimin's curiosity took over him then he asked Yoongi this question.

"Well, my mom was got pregnant with Gi and she told me she wanted to surprise my father so that's why we have these here" Yoongi smiled and hugged a ribbon on the ceiling for the final touch.

"But we have to inform the others about this. Maybe they are worried sick about Gi so let's tell time. " Jisoo brought their attention to that. They weren't even planning to tell them because they had a lot of things going on in their minds now.

"Yeah, you are right. Let me call Jin and inform him about this." Yoongi took his cell phone and dialed Jin's number, whilst the others are still making the place cute with baby stuff.

On the phone
"Hey hyung" Yoongi started the conversation with Jin.

"Hey Yoongi, how is Gi now, we are very worried about her. Is she alright there with you guys? Has she woken up?" Jin was asking a lot of questions that made Yoongi sigh.

"If you can let me talk now" Yoongi chuckled.

"Ohh sorry" Jin felt embarrassed and he laughed it out.

"Well for your information, Gi is fine," Yoongi said to him and he heard a big sigh of relief from Jin. He heard Jin telling the others Gi is alright and they sighed in relives as well.

"Not only that but there is another good news as well. Put the speaker on and let me tell you all the news" Yoongi said and Jin turned on the speaker of his phone and Yoongi can hear them seriously waiting for the news.

"Tell us" Rose and Jennie shouted with anxiety in their voices from the background.

"Gi is gonna be a mother" Yoongi happily said and heard them shout with joy.

"Finally, I'm gonna be an aunt" Rose cried with Joy and Jisoo laughed out.

"Where is Jimin?" Namjoon asked with so much happiness.

"He is here," Yoongi said and called for Jimin.

"Hey, guys" Jimin smiled and said. They yelled in joy.

"Congratulations buddy, you are gonna be dad," Jhope said in the background. They all congratulated him and he was happy.

"Thank you all of you guys", Jimin said with joy.

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