20. Say Yes Challenge

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Lia's POV:

After the night of flying in to Los Angeles from New York, I am honestly shaking that I'm actually somewhere else other than New York!

First time flying was awesome, but scary but very awesome

Now it's the next day, I honestly have no clue what the others have plan for today but they sure were giddy over it in the car as I was remaining the confused one.

After checking my social sites, I decided to get up; I tossed over my blanket making sure I wasn't waking Ashlyn

After sneakily sliding off the bed without making creek noises I made it to my bag grabbing all the belongings I needed for the bathroom

After washing off the plane stench, I brushed my teeth as I put my hair in a towel to dry a bit, as I was brushing my teeth i hung out my outfit for the day, and hung a yellow crop, with some blue jeans and my converses along with a cropped gray zip up as well

Rinsing the paste, I wiped my mouth grabbing mouthwash taking a sip pushing my cheeks out from side to side as the mouthwash was exploring and cleaning every space and corner of my mouth.

Spitting and rinsing takes a few seconds then I wiped once again

I took my towel off my head releasing my wet wild hair, I hooked up my blow dryer switching it on and drying my hair.

Once completely dried I brushed my hair out getting all the naps out, until I was satisfied with my hair I put up the items I no longer needed and got my makeup out

Clutter everywhere tossing a gloss here or there, adding mascara, then highlight, then applying lip gloss

Just a simple do for a an amazing day ahead of me!

After putting my clothes on I doubled checked every inch creasing out the creases on my clothes, I decided to have a little shoot as well

I made my way downstairs, seeing the boys at the island, Bryce was eating cereal and Mikey was sitting there conversating with him, I cleared my throat

"Morning wannabe hot shots" I jokingly let out

"Morning" Bryce said mouth full

Disgusting but aww he does look cute I'm not gonna lie but I'm not letting my guard down

"Morning new yorkie" Mikey added

I sat by Mikey across from Bryce, "so what's on the schedule for this big day?" I asked placing my phone in my lap, propping my head up on my head as my arm was propped as well

"Today is a big day indeed Lia" Bryce said coming around "you're in LA babe" he added as he wrapped his buffed arms around my shoulders, I almost blushed; almost. I let him used me as his little hang onto prop. "I'm gonna be vlogging, and while vlogging we suggested to have you do a Say Yes Challenge between me and you, today's my day since I'm your host, and tomorrow will be your day for me to say yes to you" he said moving a little piece of hair from my face causing me to get a close view of him up close

His barely scruffed face, his scruffy black hair, his dark brown eyes. Okay Bryce Hall point for you for being amazingly attractive ya butt.

As he explained the rules, I quickly knew how to do the challenge and honestly it sounds like a breeze just saying yes to whatever he asks me.

-A couple of hours later-

All four of us, we're at this huge ass house, called the hype house I guess, I'm not sure but it's freaking cool, Bryce had introduced me to everyone in the house and they were all cool, I even made some TikToks with a few of them, like a other Charli, Dixie (her sister), Larray, Daisy, Quinton, James, etc.

Now I'm in the middle of doing 'Say Yes' challenge in the back yard of The Hype House

"Amelia will you do a tiny shoot with me right here right now?" Bryce asked me

"Yes" I said

Getting the camera and tools needed for the shoot, me and Bryce were having a shoot

We're about to get our picture taken when he's kissing my cheek, and I'm smiling big and wrapped into his arms close to his chest

Bryce whispered in my ear "Will you kiss me for this shoot?" He asked

I looked into his eyes and nodded a yes

I can't believe I'm about to experience a kiss of a TikTok fan always wish to experience, Bryce Hall and I are about to kiss.

He leaned in as I followed along as well, his lips brushed against mine as our bodies got closer the heat started rising, as our lips were pressed a flicker goes off but I hardly paid any mind as I'm still lip locking with THE BRYCE HALL!!!

He leaned in as I followed along as well, his lips brushed against mine as our bodies got closer the heat started rising, as our lips were pressed a flicker goes off but I hardly paid any mind as I'm still lip locking with THE BRYCE HALL!!!

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After a long day of saying yes, me and Bryce were snuggled up on the couch in his apartment he shared with Mikey, we were catching up on old kid movies on Disney+

I hear a snore escaping from Bryce, I looked up at him giggling taking in the Bryce that was sleeping, he's so freaking adorable! Somehow I'm really gonna like however this turns out. Hopefully turns into something good.

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