24. 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫

49 2 0

June 21st, 2021

Bryce's Pov:

What's up everyone! Bryce here with another video; I'm currently laying down but today is bright and very early what time is it?" I spoke to myself as I grabbed my phone clicking the home button as the bright screen came to life showing 10:24am "well not early early but early for me" I point out tossing my phone on my bed sitting up "so today is the first day of Hot Bryce summer" I joked "nah but it is the first day of summer so hello you got 100 degrees summer" I smiled at the camera.

I got up walking to my restroom setting up the camera, "so today is like any other day; chilling with the gang and doing completely stupid shit but for now lets get ready for today" I said looking at the camera in the mirror. I grabbed my toothbrush turning the faucet on and wetting the bristles of the brush as I grabbed my toothpaste squeezing some on the bristles then I started scrubbing my teeth. Brushing every inch of my mouth, rooftop of my mouth then my tongue.

I spit out the foamy paste and rinsed my mouth out with water and to finish off my oral routine I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash. After checking my teeth to make sure they're clean I grabbed my camera and paused the filming process.

I walked out to the hall and down the stairs, I walked past the foyer and towards the kitchen seeing Noah at the stove cooking whatever he's cooking and Blake eating a bowl of cereal, yeah I have an apartment but ever since I joined Sway I've stayed here a little more often, sometimes Tay does too from when he comes back from his hometown he comes and hangs out with us for a bit.

"Morning" I chirped out. "Morning" the two let out as I grabbed my morning breakfast, I build me a bowl of fruit loops. I started munching, Noah placed his plate on the counter beside me as he was gonna eat with me and Blake. "Whatcha gonna do today?" He asked, I swallowed then spoke up "probably hang out with Ana and do whatever her and the gang is doing for the day." I responded. "Man but she's fun to hang with" he shrugged taking a bite of his meal, "what about you two?" I asked eating a spoonful of cereal. "I'm gonna hang out with Dixie" Noah let out, "I'm gonna go see Amelie for a bit" Blake let out finishing the last of his cereal "that's a bet, aye we should all plan a dinner just for the hell of it" I let out suggesting to hang out as boys since we have been busy doing our own thing. As we all agreed for our dinner plans, I decided to get dressed for the day.

You're probably wondering what's going on with me and Amelia, well we're still on hold, and after the fight event, and me losing well I didn't take it as a loss more of a I did it, and I put myself out there. I showed people that it's okay to show yourself and show that you aren't afraid of anything.

I grabbed my phone and explored my feed on Instagram, I liked a couple of posts. Without realizing I kept scrolling till I recognize the girl from the current post I passed scrolling the post back I looked realizing it's Amelia



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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