23. My Last Day

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March 18th, 2021

Lia's Pov

I woked up to the meatiest and sweetest aroma coming from the kitchen, I sat up rubbing my eyes from my slumber of sleeping as a yawn escaped my lips I let out a groan from stretching; I rolled my head around trying to pop my neck smiling for the feast that's calling my name

I walked into the bathroom closing the door behind me; I turned the knob of the faucet as water started pouring out I wet the bristles as they got soaked I placed beneath the tube of toothpaste squirting some on I closed the cap placing it to it's place on the counter side; after rinsing with water I rinsed with mouthwash, spitting it out as my mouth got used to the fresh mouth wash I wiped my mouth, rising the sink I left the faucet run as I pulled my hair up; cupping my hands together beneath the water to gather water; I rubbed my hands against my face; the water was cold but it's good cause it wakes me up

After washing my face I dried my face then my wet hands; I grabbed my hairbrush and let down my hair and began brushing the knots from different spots. Eventually getting every knot out I wrapped my hair up in a clip and letting the rest dangle

I walked out and noticed Ashlyn isn't in bed; must gotten up with the rest of them geez I'm the late sleeper I smirked shaking my head in disbelief

I walked towards the kitchen slash dinning room; "morning sleeping beauty" I hear Bryce say as I appear to their view; I gave him a soft smile; he came over, "how'd you sleep?" He asked, I looked at him for a moment seeing if he actually really do want to know, he furrowed his brows a bit giving me a worried look "I slept wonder" I spoke up, "but I am sad that today I'm leaving" I added getting bummed looking away so I won't see his reaction to how bummed I am "I'm sad too.. can't believe it's already ending.." he softly let "hey no don't okay?" I asked looking into his eyes as he tries to keep contact but looks down "really, I'll visit when I can ok" I reassured him pulling him in a hug wrapping my arms around his waist as he wrapped his around me, I laid my cheek again his shoulder as we hugged for a few

"Man if y'all don't get y'all's cute asses over here and serve y'all selves" Tayler said as he was serving himself pancakes causing me and Bryce to laugh the moment off; I didn't think it was gonna be this hard to say goodbye, but I'm only came for spring break; I still have classes at my university. Maybe I'll come back during the summer; me and Ash are planning to stay at her grandparents beach house for the summer; in two months I'll be back; I looked over to Bryce after we sat and began eating; he made me feel some type of way.. I can't quite put a finger on what that feeling is, but somehow, someway, he can get through me.. he can make me smile, he can make me blush non-stop, he can make me laugh, even when we're just alone cuddling I feel safe and secure, gosh I'm really a fool for this idiot, I smiled to myself as I leaned my head against his shoulder

I continued to eat, soon we finished and me and Bryce offered to clean up; I was currently washing the plates and utensils as Bryce was rinsing and drying the dishes, I passed him a plate "ah missed a spot" he teased I frowned at him getting a bit irritated "I didn't" I responded taking the plate from him and washing where he pointed out the 'missed spot' after I handed him the plate he rinsed the soap off and dried it and he smiled satisfied by the cleanliness causing me to playfully roll my eyes he's annoying ugh I flicked my fingers his way as soap and water flew from my fingertips and splatter over him I stifled a laugh as he reached in the soapy water and splashed it on me causing me to gasp and defend myself with my arms as they blocked the water but some got on the side of my shorts and sweatshirt; I looked towards the wet spots and glared at Bryce to let him know it was on.

I turned the faucet as the water poured and I unhooked the sprayer and held the button down facing it towards Bryce spraying him; he scoffed and started dipping both his hands in the soapy water once again and began splashing me with a bigger splash making me turn my head not wanting the soap to get in my eyes as the water fight began "what the fuck?" We heard behind us as we stopped and looked behind us, We see Vinnie Hacker standing there knitting his brows in confusion as seen us soaked and dripping "everything okay?" He asked keeping in a stifled laugh

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