21. Say Yes Challenge PT 2

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Bryce's POV:

Last night I've given Amelia a kiss, I bet I surprised her when I asked, I did tell y'all that I will get what I want and what I want is Amelia, honestly she lights me up that I never knew how it felt before to be honest, yeah I had last relationships but we're moved on and I've been single for too long and I just want to be loved and appreciated just pretty much feel happy again and that's what Amelia does for me, I literally talk about her non-stop

I'm annoying the hell out of Mikey and Ashlyn blabbering how amazing her lips felt when we kissed, I can tell she liked it, she was all lit up and smiley, and just red like a cute strawberry

I smiled to myself shaking my head remembering waking up next to her, and how adorable she looked asleep. The way her lips were plumped and the way she itches her nose when an itch bothers her

I sighed happy, I finally found someone who lights me up, who I can be myself with without being judged; I kissed her forehead softly; watching her a small smile appeared on Lia's face causing me to smile as well


I had taken a shower so currently I'm brushing my teeth, a knock tapped against the door. I turned leaving my toothbrush in my mouth opening the door seeing a shleepish Lia rubbing her eyes, I put out the soapy toothpaste in the sink "morning" I let out rinsing my mouth out

I seen her coming in with her same oral hygiene products, she reaches her brush beneath the water getting the bristles soaked, she took it back putting a dab of toothpaste on the bristles and began brushing her teeth

After adoring her while rinsing my mouth with mouthwash I smiled at her causing her to playfully roll her eyes rinsing her mouth

I walked out the restroom with her closing the door behind me hearing the lock clicking chuckling I got dressed quickly in a white muscle shirt; with some black jeans I grabbed my jean shirt with grey sweater sleeves and tied it around my waist messing with my hair in front of my mirror as I heard a blow-dryer start blaring out of no where, I hear moving around in the restroom wow girls do take long to get ready I literally just got ready in 5 maybe 8 minutes I thought to myself as I picked the necessary amount of jewelry to go with my outfit

A minutes later went by and I hear the lock unlocking and the knob turning as it opened with Amelia coming out with a Lululemon Free To Be sports bra, and blue jean Capri shorts with some cut slits on her thighs when she turned there was some beneath her bum I looked away quickly focusing on myself and my outfit

"Hi you butt" she let out grabbing her black sunglasses pushing them holding the strands of her hair back; she grabbed her phone placing it in it's place in her back pocket she looked me over, "you look cool" "thanks you too" I replied she responded with a small smile "so, I'm hungry so can we get brunch?" She asked "yes." I answered "hmm I'm thinking Supreme Croissant with hash brown and a cherry coke from Jack In The Box" she blurted grabbing her purse

I smiled "you can eat" I said impressed "well duh why should I hide that I like food, food is freaking amazing" she gushed as she was collecting her socks and her white air Jordans she slipped them on and got up  taking a few minutes deciding how she's gonna pose for her little photo shoot with the mirror, I only get like three and whatever I like I post those you know.

"You're amazing" I softly said, she was too distracted with taking pictures she didn't hear which made me sigh in relief cause I wouldn't know how to cover that up, I rubbed my neck, "so Mikey and Ashlynn are staying in, apparently they're too lazy to do anything" I mocked the last part of my sentence causing Lia to shake her head smiling as she was fixing up her photos 

God she's so damn pretty smiling, I could just watch her all day is that weird? Fuck I'm being weird. Gross. I shake my head shaking the thought out of my head as I continue waiting for her.

I was leaning down propping myself up against my thighs, I see two small feet face my way, seeing they're Lia's shoes I look up

"ready?" She asked with her purse and sweater around her waist with a small smile plastered on her face waiting for my response which was a nod by the way.


We were in my car eating our brunch meals from Jack In The Box, I actually don't usually come here but to In-&-Out cause it's the shit of course.

"Mm, okay so after this, I wanna get my nails done, can we go?" I paused "do i-" I started but she quickly cut me off "no you know the rules" she said I frowned while I swallow my remark "yes." I said "And you're gonna get yours done too?" I looked at her irritated just a bit  "fu- yes" I said remembering what she said not even 4 seconds ago she smiled "can't wait!" She said rubbing her nail design in my face as she explained what she wanted; I was annoyed but hey fucking Vinnie does it so if I just get black nails it'll be fine god why did I let her accept this challenge???


There's definitely gonna be a pt three and I'm updating the story to 2021 cause why not ☺️ anyways DUDE UR FKING KIDDING ME 22K READS!!!!!!! thank uuuuu 🥺💞 for real wasn't for the start of my first two books I wouldn't have much inspiration for my third book 'Analicia'  as I'm starting it I'm also going to catch up with my first two books thank you for being patient with me on publishing a new chapter; I'll try my best with my free time. But when I'm working I can't as much. But THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! ~ The Author

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