Chapter 3.

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Jonathan's pov

I am film an episode for Buying and Selling. The home owner Jess and her friend Rebecca were taking the toilet out and I couldn't help but laugh as some lovely gifts come out of it.

Hey I warned you. I say to them. And the take the toilet to the dumpster. We continue to demo the bath room. When we were done I tell them they can go see houses with Drew but I want them take off the hideous wallpaper in the master bathroom tonight.

Me and my guys continue to demo the rest of the house. At six thirty we all left and I have to go and get ready for this dinner that Drew instead on having so that he can introduce me and Linda to his new friend he met.

I get to my brother's house in los angels and I greet him and Linda and go to the guest house to take a shower and get ready. Drew kept saying I should wear a suit and he doesn't give me the reason why when I ask him the reason of wearing it.

After my shower I get ready and put my suit on. I grab my shoes and watch and put them on. I do the last check of how I looked and since I was satisfied with my look I grab my wallet and my phone than and went back inside the house.

Drew's outfit

I wait for Drew and Linda in the kitchen

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I wait for Drew and Linda in the kitchen. As I was drinking my glass of water Drew and Linda come into the kitchen and my brother asks me if I am ready and I reply to him with a yeah. We all get in his car and drive to the restaurant.

Drew who is this friend of yours anyway, I ask him.

Oh I met her a few days ago and she is looking for a house her in LA. Well actually in Palm Springs and plus she is South African, he says.

Well at least I'll have another woman ruther being around so much testosterone almost all the time, Linda says jokingly.

Hey! me and Drew act insulted by her comment. We get to Craft it's this really fancy restaurant in LA. We grab a table and order some drinks while we wait for Drew's new friend. After 10 minutes this really beautiful woman walks up to our table and Drew gets up to greet her.

Ayanda's outfit

Ayanda's outfit

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