Chapter 4.

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Ayanda's pov

Yesterday dinner was nice and it was great to get to know Drew and his brother along with his girlfriend. I have to confess that I was a bit nervous because of the small crush I have on Johnathan. I always found him more attractive between the two brothers even though they might look the same. Maybe it's his personality that I found myself attracted to or his sexy muscle under that plaid shirts he always wore. Man the guy has a lot of plaid shirts, I even thought that he might come wearing one of them. But now he surprised me by coming to dinner looking sexy and dashing in his suit.

At the moment I'm getting ready to explore more of LA. I take my small wallet that holds my bank card SA I.D and a couple of tens and twenties with one hundred in my fanypack along with my phone,lipbum and a packet of tissues (Kleenex). I lock the house and got in the car. After two hours I was in front of the house that Drew told me to meet him at.

A month later

I finally found my house and I just moved in four days ago. Drew even found me a place in Los Angeles to open up my restaurant and that was about two and a half months ago. It's under construction as we speak but its nothing major just redecorating and and moving of something. The kitchen and bathrooms will be totally overhauled.

But right now I'm busy packing the last of my things were they belong. Today is also the day my cars are arriving and I can't wait because this past few days I have been using uber to get around due to the fact that I returned the Tesla to the rental place. I'm also busy planning my housewarming party for when I come back. I'm flying my family out and a couple of friends also my new friends were invited. It will be nothing huge only 50 people will be there. My family are so proud of me that when ever I think back to four days ago telling them that I have finally found a house that I could call my second home I get emotional just thinking about it. But there will always be those family members and certain people that will always find the negative in everything and anything. But it's whatever.

I finsh packing and putting whatever needs to be recycled in the recycling bin. I get a call saying that my cars were outside so I put on my sandals and pressed the remote gate button on my phone. I greet the guys that were delivering my cars. I take my phone out to make a video as my cars are being driven off the truck.

Nobody understand how long I have been waiting for these babies for a month and a half. I might have to take one of them for a drive literally after the are off. As the last car is driven off I sighed some papers and thanked the delivery guys. I put the Teslas in their garage while the rest of my cars will be in my underground garage. I leave the Raptor out because I had to go check on my restaurant. I go to my room to change into different clothes.

 I go to my room to change into different clothes

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I get in my truck (bakkie). My restaurant is thirty minutes away from my house so it wasn't that long of a drive. I get to the restaurant after an hour and a half. There were a couple of construction vehicles outside. I park my car and went inside. I greet everyone and asked where Billy is. One of the tradesmen says his out back. I thank him and went out back which will be the outdoor dining area.

Hey Billy

Oh hey AJ how are you

I'm good just came in to check in on how far along everything is

We are on schedule with everything. The kitchen equipment came in yesterday do you want to check it out.

Yeah I'm so excited.

We walk through the kitchen doors and I squeal at site of my kitchen.

Look at this beautiful kitchen I can already imagine myself in here. By the way you guy are the first one's to get a meals

And I can't wait to eat what you will be cooking up. So we are only left with a couple of things and I think with the way things are going we can hand it back to you in 4 months.

Ok that's al I wanted to know and thanks for showing me around.

No problem.

I say bye to everyone and went to run a couple of errands. After I was done with my errands I went back home and grabbed some food on the way home. It was 3 in the afternoon by the time I get home. I go to my room to change out of my clothes and into something more comfortable. I went back downstairs to get my food and went back to my room so I could start pack something, because at the end of th week I have to fly back to South Africa. Hopefully by the time I get back to the US my restaurant will be ready.

 I put on some sunscreen and grab my hat and sunglasses along with my phone and air pods and went to explore my neighbourhood

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I put on some sunscreen and grab my hat and sunglasses along with my phone and air pods and went to explore my neighbourhood.

I lock everything up and went out. I would love to go on a hike but I'm not dumb to go a hike along, so no on that. An hour later I got back to my house and went to have a quick shower. After my shower, I change into something more and answered a couple of texts and emails.

I get a text from Drew asking if I wanted to go over tomorrow for a dinner party at his place for a dinner party. I texted him back asking for details and what I need to bring. He gets back to me saying that I don't need to bring anything. Later that night I get ready for bed, charge up my phone and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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