Chapter 2.

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Ayanda's pov

I wake up at 8 am and today I am going to meet up with Drew Scott for the show Property Brothers. I get out of bed and went to take a shower. I do my my fiscal routine after my shower and when I was done I apply neutral makeup and do my hair. I pick out my outfit and got dressed.

 I pick out my outfit and got dressed

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I get my phone and went to my car. I put in the address for the restaurant that Drew said we should meet up at. I drive for about 20 to 30 minutes then I get to a restaurant called Ospi. I get out and I walk in the restaurant. I see Drew at the back of the restaurant and I walk up to him. He gets up, we shake hands and introduce each other.

We order our food and while we waited for our food I tell him what I want in a house, my budget and he says he'll have some houses lined up for me tomorrow.

So I don't want to seem to forward or in your business but I was thinking....

You are not asking me out are you.

No no no I have a beautiful girlfriend and only have eyes for her.

Aww that's so cheesy and cute but I'm sorry for thinking a head.

It's fine. I was going to say way don't we get to know each so you can have a friend since you are new here.

Sure why not.

Ok why don't you go first.

Why should I go first.

Because I'm try to be a gentleman.

Gentleman my ass.


I'm kidding okay.

My name see Ayanda Jane Nkosi but my friends call me AJ or J. I am turning 35 on the 6th of September. Lawyer and doctor by paper but chef restaurant owner and investor by profession.

How can you be a lawyer and be a doctor at the same time.

Well I have a PhD in Corporate Law.

So why didn't you peruse that.

I did but I got bored of it and having to lie for messed up, corrupted companies was not sitting well with my soul and this year will make it eight years since I quit and went to a culinary school. Uhh I have an older brother his name is and he is turning 39 this year.We are pretty close and we are also close to our cousins on our mother's side because we all practically grew up together. I was born and raised in a town called Kroonstad but we moved to Johannesburg when i was And I am bi ethic because my mother a sotho woman is and my father is a zulu man. I think that's about it. Oh and I can speak seven languages out of the 11 official languages in South Africa.

Our food arrives and we thank the waiter.

Ayanda's food and drink

Ayanda's food and drink

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Drew's food and water

After we pay for food we go our separate ways

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After we pay for food we go our separate ways. I go to a Tesla dealership which is about 10 minutes away from the restaurant. I get out of the rental and walk into the dealership. I am met by a sales dealer Matt who is probably in his twenties and he helps me with the cars I want.

After I was done I went to Mercedes and do the same process and as well at Ferrari, Land Rover and also at Ford. By the time I get to my Airbnb it is about 18:00. I put the car in the garage and connect it to the charger. I get in the house and go to the bathroom to take a shower. After my show, I get dressed in more comfortable clothes. I go to the kitchen to make dinner.

While I am cooking is playing in the background. I put my veggies in the pot while my pasta is cooking in another. After 30 minutes my dinner was ready. I take my bowl and my drink and went to the living room.

I put on some Netflix and went on with my night

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I put on some Netflix and went on with my night. After cleaning the kitchen, I go to the bathroom and got a comb and my hair products out. As I am doing my hair, I get a call from Thabiso one of my friends

We chat for a while about his wannabe "baby mama drama".

Ke u joetsitse hore u tlohele sefebe se u mara ( Translation: I told you that you must leave that (bitch/whore/hoe) but you don't want to listen to me, because you say she has good pussy. You are out here acting like she's caring your baby. Thabiso I love you are my friend but if you call me again about how Nthabiseng is being a crazy ass ex, than I'll come to your house slap the living shit out of you.

Please Aj this is the last time ke u kopa hore u bua le eena (Translation: I ask you to talk to her).

I'm not going to talk to her you asked for it the last time I told you to stay away from her and all our friends said the same thing even Sfiso (Ayanda's older brother) told you to stay the fuck away but you didn't listen. Like always when it comes to Nthabiseng you think with your dick instead of your head. And when she starts giving you problems or you are no longer vibing with her you come running to us to fix your problem. When we told you not to get back with her even if is just sex, cause you seem to forget everytime how she can be.

Mfwetu se ka nkesta joalo. (Translation:Dude don't do me like that.)

Don't do you like what Thabiso. I'm done talking to Nthabiseng. She is out here saying I am a hoe and I was responsible for your break up. That I keep getting in the way of your relationship. We all have problems to deal with. I'll see you in a month Thabiso.

Ayanda please.

Look I have to go it's already midnight and I have houses to view at 9. So bye I hope you can find a solution to your problem. Get a restraining order or something I don't know, but right now I need to go to bed.

And I hang up on him. I put a doek on my head to protect my hair and brush my teeth.

 I put a doek on my head to protect my hair and brush my teeth

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I charge my phone, change into my pajamas and went to sleep.

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