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Karmi's POV

Jogging a little to the break fast table to grab something for Veronica and I to eat, she has been really down since yesterday and I really hope she can get over this soon, I'm a little thankful she has been sitting around all day instead of her usual yelling at someone or punching the life out of someone. I knew she liked Billie of course she did, who wouldn't?
Sighing a little i take In the scene in front me, the concert is starting in a few hours and the early morning crew are doing final checks on all instruments and everything else, the stage is already set and i can already smell the air of a successful concert coming up. A light tap on my shoulder brings me out of my thoughts, turning around I see it's Billie "hey stranger" she says brightly. At least one of them seems to feeling cherry. I say to myself. she looks better than she did when we spoke yesterday. maybe she finally realised she was on tour and had adoring fans waiting to hear her sing. "Wassup" I say "nothing much, can I ask you for a big favour" Billie says playing with one of her ring, an act Ron says she does when she's nervousness "other people would say a 'little favour' " I say trying to make her laugh a little and she does. "Could you make sure Ron makes it to my concert, I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to but please make sure she does" Billie says pleading "Why.. ..wait did you figure something out" I say my eyes open up larger than it should, she nods frantically laughing "yup so make sure she's there" she says commanding me a little making me chuckle "no problem" I say "promise me" Billie says bringing out her pinky finger "I promise" i say linking mine to hers
She smiles happily then skips away making me chuckle once again.
Now the hard part, to convince Ron.

GUILTY PLEASURES //BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now