Chapter 13

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Veronica's pov
Two days till it's finally time for tour and everything in my life has been going so great I'm patiently waiting for something to happen, it's not my fault it's something I grew up with, always waiting for something bad to happen when everything good is happening in my life, talking about something good and bad I need to talk to my mom, I bring out my phone and dial her, she picks after it's rings a little, I'm very sure she was looking for were she kept her phone. "hey Veronica, how are you" she says immediately she picks, she sounds really tired, she's supposed to, she's in Nigeria what was i expecting. "Good afternoon mom how is everything going on there" I ask my mom "everything is slightly under control, don't worry too much just have fun" my mom says knowing what I'm referring to "can she speak now, I need to hear her voice" I ask quietly, there is a moment of silence for a while before she answers "no, but when she can you will be the first to know I promise, she loves you, you know that right" my mom whispers a little almost crying "yes mom I know, I will call you later, and please take care of your self" I beg silently before hanging up. I try to compose myself after talking to my mom, I stand up from the chair outside my apartment and keep skating for a long while till my legs beg me to stop, sometimes I skate to let out my frustration when I have nothing or no one to punch.

Karmil, Billie and I with Claudia, finneas and this guy Jason Billie has been hanging out with are going out today for the rest of the day, we are going to the movies first, then going go-carting, before we go and have some time doing laser tag and then dinner, I'm looking forward to it especially spending time with Billie. We haven't officially put down a label on us but at least it's visible that we are headed some where, I don't like keeping things from karmil so I told him what's been going on and he's happy for me because he can't remember when last I was in a relationship or even looked at someone the way he says I look at Billie. He's been talking to Sophie and I can see he's still happy with his relationship.

I've not hanged out with Billie since we spoke about our "relationship" we have only been chatting and doing face time, she keeps going out with this Jason guy she says is just a friend she has had for a long time but I feel she's not telling me the whole truth.

"let's go, you waste too much time" I yell at karmil literary dragging him into the car, I'm too eager to see Billie and he's about to be a snail. Getting to the movie theater I see finneas and Claudia outside waiting for us, I rush over to them making karmil jug a little, we start talking and hugging as usual and I'm confused why I can't find Billie anywhere "where's Bil" I ask Claudia "she went to get popcorn and drinks for everyone with Jason" Claudia says. After a few minutes of chatting with finneas and Claudia I spot Billie and Jason coming before everyone else, I want to shout her name but I stop myself when i notice something weird. She's talking with the guy I guess is jason and they are both laughing which is really cool, but what isn't 'really cool' is that he doesn't really look like "an old friend" like she said because this dude is totally all over her, it's obvious the guy likes her Prolly alot, it's either she doesn't notice and she's used to him behaving like that, or she's lying about them just been friends but which ever way I feel bad vibes with this guy. I tell the rest I'm going to the restroom just to excuse myself from any introductions, telling them I will meet them all inside.

After the movie we are all talking about it and Billie hasn't even said anything to me personally which is weird and God I hate the way Jason looks at me, we all drive to the skating rink in finneas car except for Billie and Jason who drive in Jasons car. Getting to the skating rink finally we change into our skating shoes and all and go out to the rink. I try looking for Billie and karmil notices my little mood "hey kid you okay" he asks patting my back, I smile at him debating on telling him what's wrong with me because it sounds stupid in my head "I'm just a little confused why Billie hasn't spoken to me all evening, I mean it was her idea to come here in the first place, it's like she's avoiding me or something" i say in a whisper "then if she is, you do the same, we are at a skating rink one of your best hobbys so just have fun chasing me" he says hitting me and skating away immediately starting a game of chase on skates like we always do, I laugh and start skating determined to catch him but he's also really good in skating like I am and soon I forget about my little sulking I had going on before getting here. After skating around for more than twenty minutes chasing karmil and beating him up, then adding Claudia to the chase and finneas I see Billie skating towards me from the corner of my eyes with Jason. And I get ready to act nice to Jason "Heyy, Ron, chill" Billie says trying to stop me from skating while she's laughing about something he said. "hey I've not gotten to talk to you all night" she says, so does that mean she wasn't avoiding me because it sure as hell felt like she was. "this is Jason, Jason this is Veronica a new friend and she's going on tour with me" she says excitedly, I try to ignore the weird introduction and try to smile at Jason who's looking me up and down in this way that's making me feel really uncomfortable "nice to finally meet you" he says holding unto my hand I brought out for him to shake for a comically too long time, I see Billie from the corner of my eye look at him like she's going to kill him, I don't know what's going on with them but I know I want to be far from whatever it is "um Yh you too, see you around I guess" I say waving at Billie before skating away, I skate for a long time around the rink going in circles not chasing anyone, I noticed Billie and Jason holding hands once, and I saw him back her while skating, and every single thing they are doing keeps making me want to skate more to reduce my anger.

After skating for along while and my legs start to ache, i go to sit on the bench watching everyone Billie especially cause she's the one making me feel this way, i see Jason kiss her cheeks a little and that does it for me, i pick up my phone ordering an uber immediately.

" hey you okay" i see karmil skating up to me concern written on his face "no" i say blankly waiting for my uber to arrive any second "Billie?" He asks when he sees me watching her, i sigh and reply a while later "yeah, so? She doesn't seem to give a fuck I exist" i say when i see my uber pull up "so your leaving, bruh I'm still here" he says calling after me, i know I'm supposed to wait for him cause we always do things together but if i stay a minute longer i won't be able to resist punching the hell out of fucking Jason "you can stay for all i care, I'm sorry but i have to go" i say softning my words a little. I start walking away immediately after that so he doesn't have a chance to say something else, right now I'm headed for a gym to punch a punching bag till it punches me.

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