You're real - Comfort/Somewhat shitpost

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Description: Sapnap forgets to leave a note for Dream to let him know he was going away for a bit and Dream has an anxiety attack thinking Sapnap's not actually real, Sapnap comes back a few moments before and calms him down but Dream passes out.

TW: anxiety attack, derealization

A/N: I don't think all anxiety attacks are the same for everyone, I've had a few myself—would not recommend—so I'll be basing Dream's anxiety attack on mine 😀🤞also, Tommy is one of my favorites, I promise you that, so when I call him names I swear it's from endearment and not me hating him- I changed my writing style a little so it's a lil more memey so tell me if you like it or not-

AU: Everything's the same except Wilbur manipulated everyone and is dead instead of serving life in jail.


Sapnap was up earlier than usual, the man usually slept in til noon, and so did his lover, so a longer cuddle session and he gets to sleep in? that's a win win for Sapnap.

but unfortunately yes he was up early, not on his own accord either. Quackity had called at 5 am on a goddamn Saturday asking for his help with chopping trees. which,, is understandable in someways??? But like who wakes up at 3 am and goes 'I'm gonna chop down some trees' like no?? one, you started sleeping at 12 am ~ 1 am, two, you literally live on bread, pufferfish and drugs, why are you awake and how in the holy hell are you alive—

Anyways, Karl went missing again, which is relatively normal now, so he couldn't ask him, Two imposters were out to get Tommy and Sam nook would whoop his ass if he got too close to the screaming british child, if he asked Tubbo, the clingy british 16 year old 6'1 why the hell are you so tall you damned child you are 16- would throw a fit and ask to come with, even if Sam nook said no, the rebellious little shit will go when he wants to—

Ranboo was with Techno, and even if he did get the okay from Techno, Dream was Ranboo's guardian right after Techno which won't work considering the white haired man is extremely protective of Ranboo, and so on.

Dream was oh so peacefully sleeping beside Sapnap, cuddled up against his side and happily in dreamland where he's probably attacking like... George or something, I don't know, what the hell goes through this man's mind anyway? is it just 'DUDUDUDU' or like heatwaves or sumn, what's in that head of yours blob man—

Sapnap sighed as he got up to collect his stuff, but not before pushing the white strands of hair away from his forehead and leaving a gentle kiss on the man's said forehead. Sapnap hummed as he grabbed one of Dream's white hoodies instead of his green ones, common misconception, they wear each other's clothes, those green hoodies are Sapnap's not Dream's.

Time check 6:44 am, Sapnap trudged towards Sam nook's restaurant thing, I don't know what the hell that thing is because frankly I don't pay attention to Big Titty's class, I listen to Mr. Wastaken's class and I just chill in Mr. Notfound's library cuz he's sleepy, Quackity be like Mr. Notfound, get your 8+ hours of sleep.

There stood the man himself, Big Q... hold on I gotta pull up Quackity's wiki, what the hell are all his nicknames- Divorced dad, flatty patty, Habibi, Alex, tallest man alive... I'm just gonna call him Grandma cuz I feel like it.

I am very sad.

'About time, Snapmap, you take forever' Grandma groaned, Sapnap only rolled his eyes 'Okay, and? it's saturday dude' The tallest man alive shrugged 'I don't know what day it is usually, I just think 'wow, a morning' and do my usual tasks unlike you lazy asses' Big Q complained. '...You wake up at 3 am' Sapnap commented. 'okay and? your point?' the divorced dad hissed, Sapnap shook his head 'I'm telling Karl you're being mean'.

Sorry, I fell for you ● Dreamnap OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now