Mostly Sapnap related Headcanons

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filler until I find another prompt, also shameless self promotion, but I stream undertale on twitch 3 pm (GMT +8) every wednesday please follow me @/eendurrline

I'm currently doing a genocide route on UT, but if watching Undertale is not your thing, I'll be streaming art and commentary as well! I just don't have a schedule for it yet unlike my UT streams

I'd really appreciate if you dropped by to join a stream or if you just leave a follow, but you don't have to if you don't want to! on with the headcanons!


──✦Sapnap gets small burns if water touches his skin, he wears that long sleeved turtle neck to hide how much he wanted to touch water as a kid

──✦Sapnap really likes fish and George takes him to an underwater aquarium that no one knows about except George and Sapnap because George built it during an national crisis, they go every few weeks as to not alarm anyone

──✦Sapnap doesn't know anything about Dream's past, but the only thing he knows is that Dream had a bunch of cats and they liked him

──✦Patches sleeps on Sapnap cuz he's warm and Dream gets jealous

──✦Sapnap sometimes kills plants with his body heat

──✦Sparks fly out of Sapnap when he's excited

──✦George gave Sapnap ONE lily of the valley and Sapnap hasn't killed it yet, it's been 7 years. how? magic.

──✦Dream has demon horns and DreamXD has angel wings and a halo

──✦Dream's horns are sensitive 🤠

──✦George and DreamXD have a relationship and even though XD is a god and George is a mortal, they treat each other as equals

l i k e
h o w
r e l a t i o n s h i p
s h o u l d
b e

──✦George, Sapnap, and Puffy were all experiments and now they have powers

──✦There's a tall and fatass tree in a flower biome, George usually naps there and sometimes XD or Sapnap join him

──✦Sapnap sometimes overheats, which is his form of being sick, and they can't use water or ice on him or else it'll make things worse so George and Dream have to alternate everytime the other is also overheating

──✦Dream can do the splits

──✦George has insomnia and usually catches a snooze in the morning because of it

──✦Sapnap has read 'In Another Life' and cried for what? 3 days? (if you don't know what IAL is, it's just a rlly sad fic of bokuaka from haikyuu)

──✦Sapnap knows about XD, he's seen XD and never thought 'hey he kinda looks like dream' and George doesn't know if he's ignoring it or he's just a dumbass and hasn't noticed


I didn't know how to turn on vods cuz I'm stupid asf so you won't see my first stream and the stream where I got stuck on undyne other than that one clip my cousin did- idk why he clipped it, he just did but yeah- hope you enjoyed!

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