The Sorting Ceremony - Mary

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Mary went to the kitchen to start breakfast for her and her family. Later today she would be leaving to go to a boarding school for witches and wizards. Mary was well aware of how crazy that sounded, somewhere in the back of her head she still thought it was going to be a prank. But a strange lady with a pointed hat had come to her home last year to tell her she was a witch. Mary was glad to have a reason for all the strange things that happened around her, like the time a boys pants disappeared after he cat called Mary on a quiet street, or the time a girls hair fell off when she called Mary a racist slur, or the time her precious baby brother didn't hurt himself after he fell down the stairs, not even a scratch - Mary was proud of that one.

Mary was glad to find out that she wasn't crazy or weird but actually a witch and there was a whole community of witches and wizards. Better yet the strange lady had promised her family that race was not an issue in the magical community- black, white, purple nobody looked twice. This was a huge relief to Mary and her mother. For an eleven year old Mary was much too aware of the racism that was embedded into society, so a chance to go to a boarding school where she wasn't the token black child on a scholarship was something of a revelation.

"Mum, breakfast" Mary called down the hall, of their small apartment.

A few moments later her mother emerged, her little brother came running in after her, grabbing as many pieces of bacon that would fit on his plate.

"Oh Mary you didn't have to, Not today - today is meant to be your special day"

"Its alright Mum, you know I like to help out. Besides I'm going to be gone for long enough" Mary's tone turned serious. "Are you going to be alright Mum without the help while I'm gone"

"Oh don't be silly, that's not something you have to worry about me and your brother will be fine"

Her mother smiled but it did little to reassure Mary. Ever since her dad passed away they had been struggling even if her mother never admitted it. Mary wished she knew magic back then she might of been able to stop the accident. But nothing, not even magic, could bring people back to life, she had already asked the strange lady.

"I'll clean up here love, you go finish your packing. Then we'll drop Jamie off at the babysitter and be on our way" her mother kissed her forehead "Look at you so grown up and off to a fancy school. We're so proud of you, Dad would be so proud of you"

"I know" Mary smiled, sadly.


Mary and her mother made their way through King's Cross Station. Mary had already said goodbye to her little brother, Jamie. Since he was not yet two it made more sense to leave him behind with their neighbor/babysitter. Jamie had cried and cried when Mary was saying goodbye, she wasn't even sure he understood where she was going but he hated being left behind. 

After rushing through the London crowds Mary and her mother eventually found themselves in between platform nine and ten. Mary's Hogwarts letter had explained that she would have to walk through a wall in order to access the correct platform, however Mary's mother was very unsure of how this would work, especially given Mary's mother was not a witch.

"I think we should ask someone Mary before you go running into a solid wall" her mother said worriedly.

"Who are we going to as-" Before Mary could even finish her sentence she spotted a family donned in cloaks, lining up to face the wall. Witches and wizards were actually very easy to spot once you knew they existed.

"Never mind I think you could ask that family" Mary pointed the family out to her mother.

Mary followed her mother over to the strange looking family.

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