First Year - Muggle Music

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Dumbledore being Dumbledore decided that if he could not do anything about the poster at this moment, that it at least should not affect the annual Halloween celebration and so the feast continued, to the backdrop of golden Slytherin's. Dumbledore also being Dumbledore did not suspect James and Sirius in the slightest despite their more than obvious distraction, instead he praised them for their performance and told them to work on their key. Both decisions infuriated the Slytherin house many of whom stormed out of the hall before the feast begun, not before throwing glares and a few hexes in James and Sirius's direction. The most furious of all was Severus Snape. He marched over to the Gryffindor table, his face contorted in anger.

"Potter, what do you think you're playing at?" Snape hissed.

"Snivellus, how nice of you to join us" James grinned. "I hear you're a fan of lions"

The table erupted in laughter, except for Lily who had been glaring at James from across the table long before Snape arrived.

"Quit the shit Potter - take down the poster at once" Snape narrowed his eyes "Or else"

"Or else what Snivellus - What are you going to do" James glared back. "Besides I had nothing to do with that masterpiece - unless you're gone blind you would have seen I was busy performing at the time"

"As if Potter everyone knows it was you and Black" Snape briefly shifted his gaze to stare at Sirius "That 'performance' or embarrassment -more like- was just a distraction"

"Excuse you Snivellus that song took us two full weeks to learn" Sirius grinned.

"Honestly I'm flattered you think so highly of me Snivellus - but as I said it wasn't me or Black for that matter" James said.

"Well it certainly wasn't Pettigrew he doesn't have the brains - and Lupin there is too much of a goody too shoes - or just too afraid"

Remus had to bite his tongue in order to stop himself confessing just to spite Snape.

"You'll pay for this Potter - You've pissed off the wrong house" Snape called as he turned to leave.

"Oh no I'm shaking in my boots" James said flatly.

"Lily you're surely not staying to eat with the likes of these" Snape snarled, gesturing for her to leave with him.

Lily looked around at the table, sizing up her options and finally decided that she should follow Snape.

"Sorry girls - I better go after him" Lily said before scurrying down the hall calling her friend "Sev wait up"

"He's just foul isn't he" Mary said.

"Tell me about it" James sighed. "Don't know what Evans sees in him"

"He was her first friend - so I think she feels obliged to support him" Marlene said.

"My first friend was a bloody squirrel in my back garden but you don't see me wasting time collecting acorns" James countered.

"Maybe you and Snape got off on the wrong foot - maybe he's actually nice beneath it all - you know all Slytherin's aren't bad"

All the boys snorted - even Mary shook her head at Marlene.

"Come on Marz - I know you like to see the good in people but he is awful - have you taken any notice to how he treats people - in potions he thinks he's god's gift - won't even let James touch the cauldron - and the way he glares at Remus just because he's friends with Lily - frankly it's a little frightening - All the Slytherin's might not be bad but he certainly is" Mary argued.

"All right all right- he's not great but Lily won't be disowning him anytime soon so we all better get used to it"

"I will never 'get used' to him" James said "He doesn't deserve Lily"

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