Party for two | Kaeya x GN!reader

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I dislike this guy but ik there's a lot of simps so here ya go

(spoilers! Master Jeans character story quest)

Walking up to the Knights of Favonius headquarters, you had needed some help with your small business stand since some rascal kids had stolen from it.
You were going to ask Jean to help you locate them, though you felt bad for putting all the pressure and problems on her, she was the only one in office today... or so you thought.

Entering the building you see Captain Kaeya talking to the guard outside Master Jeans office.
You walked over, "hey, I thought today was your day off, Kaeya" you say.
He scooted closer to you and snaked his arm around your waist, "it was, but alas, I have been needed for my generous deeds" he says, putting his other hand up to his face being dramatic.

You ask what happened and why he's at work now and he begins to explain to you why he was there. "Master Jean has been mildly overwhelmed recently so the traveler told us.
We came to help out with her work and set up a surprise party afterwards for her." He says.

"May I bother you to help me with a task please? It mustn't take long" you then explain what happened with the kids running up to your booth as stealing the things.
"Ahh yes! We've already caught them. They've been terrorizing many of the other people like Sara at the Good Hunter too"
"Oh that's wonderful! Thank you so much. Well, I had already closed the booth for today, speaking that it is 4pm, is there any way I can be of assistance to you and helping Master Jean?" You ask him.
"Oh you're helping me just by standing here"

He chuckles at your flustered reaction and then, "sure, you wouldn't mind taking a trip to Diluc's Winery? I'm going to grab some drinks for the party later. I hate going there alone and seeing him" he sighs, woeingly

You decide to go with him and make it about halfway there before running into a problem. A nice lovely Hillichurl camp placed just by the side of the road.
Though you aren't a knight or apart of the adventurers guild, you do have some tricks up your sleeve. You pull out a (weapon of choice) and head towards the Hillichurls.

"Woah woah Woa, what do you think you're doing? Can't get a young beauty like your, getting your hands dirty. I can handle this." He says, stepping towards the camp.
He pulls out his own weapon, and readies up to use his vision.
In a swift move, he kills 3 of the Hillichurls in a swift movement of his sword, quickly followed by 2 others who had been straggling behind.

You look at him, impressed but that quickly turns into a face of shock when 2 Mitachurls and 3 more Hillichurls spawn in a second later. You pull your weapon out again as Kaeya is frozen still (omg I'm so funny) in shock of the unsuspecting attack. You break one of the Mitachurls shields but get knocked over by the other one.

Kaeya, now back to his senses, comes in to help you finish them off. After the attack, he rushes over to you, "My god I didn't know there would be a second wave! Are you okay? Hurt anywhere?" He lifts your arms up checking your body for any cuts and/or bruises that could be found. Nothing.
Thanks to your quick reactions, you both got out with little to no damage. (Mainly damage to Kaeyas ego) he kept apologizing over and over on the rest of your walk, and even insisted on carrying you there since you could've gotten harmed, but you just said that you were fine and there's no need to apologize.

Upon arrival, you see the head of house, Diluc talking to one of his maids, asking them to get out some wine. He then notices the pair standing in the doorway to the winery, looking at him.
"You're late. Why?" He speaks sternly towards Kaeya, disregarding you. Kaeya sighs at his brothers act towards him and continues, "Me and my lovely partner here got jumped by a Hillichurl camp that set up not to far out. We're fine though, as far as I'm concerned. Do you really have no decency to clear your own guests here from and harm?" Diluc pauses as the maid comes back with two baskets of drinks, mainly wine, and hands them to Diluc.

Diluc then tells you two the contents and asks if that will be enough for both the party, and just Kaeya himself.
You stand there awkwardly, looking at the two brothers and wondering why they didn't get along, but figured that's a question for another time.
"Alright, thank you, Diluc. This way, dead" he says, opening the Winery doors again and bowing when you walk through them.
You giggle at his behavior and ask what he got, cause you honestly weren't paying attention.

You both talked about life and what not on your journey back. He told you about what the Knights were like and you told him what it's like to own a small business.
"The thought that you do it, even though it may not pay the greatest, just because you enjoy it is endearing I can say." He smiled.
"Yeah, I'm glad I had the opportunity to do it, otherwise I would probably be working at the adventures guild. But you can't let me get hurt, I'm too precious" you say, placing your hand on your forehead and dramatically leaning backwards.

He laughs at you and you start to lean back up but fall over. He moves in front of you, "oh my! Are you okay? That seemed to hurt" he said through laughs. He reached his hand out to you, and you grabbed it and just looked at him for a moment.
He blushed and looked away, "admiring my beauty, I see" trying to hide it.
You giggled and got up.
"Say, are you doing anything after the party tonight?"

You're welcome simps

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