Chapter 7: Welcome to the Lost Woods

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It was the next day, and I was outside walking around Kakariko Village. It was barely turning dawn. The village was sleeping soundly, and I was walking around thinking about that dream I had last night. "I haven't had a dream about her in years...and that robot. Is this a sign of sorts? No, it can't be, dammit, Hylia, stop with your riddles! I strictly remember removing my powers from that robot. Ugh, I need a drink."

I began walking towards the general store to see if they sold any alcohol, but when I walked inside, I just saw a few stands on the left that had the Hylian cloths, but they were separate. "Who the hell splits the entire set into different stands?!" Then I heard a female voice. "I'm that would be me, sir!" I was confused for a second, then spoke. "Ok, how about you put the entire set on one mannequin? You'll be saving a lot of space for other clothes or more food," I said to the shopkeep. "Huh, you know I never thought of that...uh, thank you. Anyways what were you here for?" She spoke to me in a curious voice. "Ah yes, do you have any alcohol? For sell?" I said to her. "Oh, sorry, we don't sell alcohol here." She told me. "Dammit. Well, goodbye." I left the store.

POV Mipha

I slowly opened my eyes and got up to look around the room, and I noticed that Y/n was gone. "Huh? Where did Y/n go?" I began to get out of the bed and started to walk out of the building we were staying. I saw Y/n walking out of the general store across the road. He was looking around and saw me, then he waved and started to walk my way.

"Oh, Mipha, what are you doing out so late?" He said to me.  "Oh, I woke up and noticed you were gone and went looking for you. I was concerned because you weren't sleeping well last night." I said to him, concerned.

"Oh? Sorry to worry you, I'm fine, last night I just remembered something. For a long time ago." He said to me in a low voice.

It was quiet when he said that until he spoke. "But don't worry about me. Im fine, now let's wake the others. Now would be the perfect time to continue our adventure to the forest. Urbosa should be easy to wake up our boy link, on the other hand. It'll be more challenging. That heroes have a terrible habit of overseeing." He said with a sly smile. I just giggled and headed inside to wake the other two. Maybe he is okay after all. Hopeful.

[Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n with a stick poking at a chibi sleeping Link]


We were back on the road to the Lost Woods first to get Link's sword, and then we would look for a place that gives him his memories. "Anyways, Link, give me your album for the photos."Link looked at me the pulled out the Shika slate and tossed it to me. "What are you going to do?" Link asked me. "Well, I'm going to see if there is a place on the way so we can get a jumpstart on memorise hunting. Ah, I remember this gate. Let's go over there. It's close." I said to Link and the rest. I looked up to see everyone node then we started to head over there.

{Ten minutes later}

We made it to the location, and Mipha and Urbosa kind of looked sad. "Hey, what's up, girls?" I said to the girls as they looked up to me. Urbosa was the first to speak. "Oh, it's nothing much, but this was the location that we, the champions, saw the calamity, first appeared it was out of nowhere, and we all rushed to our divine beasts Link and the Princess headed to the source to our knowledge," Urbosa said. Link was looking at it, and he spoke up. "I-I remember...yeah, this was where it all started when we first saw the calamity. It was horrible. It just came out of nowhere. We were still trying to help Zelda with her power. We went to the fountain with Zelda." Link said, then Mipha chimed in, "We went to the fountain when Zelda hit 17 because that was the only time she could have went to the fountain." Mipha finished. "Well, let's go to the Lost Woods. We got what we came for." We turned around and started going towards the Lost Woods.

{Two hours later}

We reached the entrance of The Lost Woods, and it was foggy. "Well, give me a minute I can dissipate the fog. I've known the Deku Tree for a very, very long time. Ego praecipio vobis iter per Deum" as I finished what I said, a path opened for us, and we walked through it to the entrance of the grove that the Deku Tree was. We saw the Deku Tree, and Mipha and Urbosa bowed. Link just looked in aw. "Hello, my old friend." The Deku Tree's eyes looked at us." Ah, thou be Y/n? It has been years, Mipha, Urbosa thou don't need to bow for thee are Champions." The girls stood up and looked at the Deku Tree.

"Now I see Link is awake. The Master Sword is safe and has been waiting for thee, but thee may be too weak to wield her tis been 100 long years since Zelda brought her." The Deku Tree said. Link stood up and shouted, " NO! I-I need the Master Sword!" Link said to The Deku Tree. The Deku Tree then said, "If thou needs it now, then try to pick her up. I will stop you if thou is too weak."The Deku Tree said. Link nodded and walked up to The Master Sword. He then proceeded to pull the Legendary Sword, we could hear him in pain, but he endured it. It moved little by little until he pulled it out. He then proceeded to point it up to the sky. "Hmm, Something is wrong. The sword is weak. What happened to it, old friend?"

I spoke to the Deku Tree as the other looked at me. The Deku Tree was quiet until he finally said something. "The Master Sword is weak because when thy Princess brought it, it was severely damaged. Fi almost died." The Deku Tree said. I was in udder disbelief. "H-How is that possible!? Nothing, NOTHING can kill FI!! I made damn sure of that, and so did Hylia!! Only a god like myself and Hylia can destroy her!" As I said that, it finally clicked. Only a god can kill her. Shika tec is using my power. "Dammit... it's my fault." Mipha and Urbosa both spoke up. " Don't say that! it's not your fault!" I immediately shot them down. " OF COURSE, ITS MY FAULT! I CREATED THE SHEKA TEC AND USED MY OWN DAMN POWERS! It was a horrible idea to create the Shika Tec." everyone was entirely quiet. That was until Link Finally moved and spoke. " We need to move on...thank you, Deku Tree. We need to save the others and my memories and save Zelda and Y/n. You did what you had to help the previous hero, and I hear a voice saying that it helped." I looked at Link and chuckled. "Thanks, Link." 


Hello beautiful people, and thank you for waiting this long for me to put up a chapter. I've been busy with IRL stuff and also been dealing with writer's block anyway. I've changed the writing style for this chapter, so please tell me what you think of it, and I'll see you guys later BYE BYE!!!

*Disappears into a puff of hellfire*

words: 1309

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