5. That sounded like a threat

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Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. The first part of this weird dinner with my neighbor was somewhat easy: I just needed to be chewing most of the time. Not that Ben didn't try to chat, but with food in my mouth, I had an excuse to just nod or shake my head all the time. However, once the food was over, how could I still keep on being quiet? Especially since he didn't seem to have any intentions of leaving. I shouldn't have agreed to watch such a long movie.

"So, are you an only child?" Ben asked, seemingly absentminded. I blinked my eyes, mildly confused. So far, since I wasn't talking, he'd done a monologue. We really hardly watched the movie, actually. He talked about every single thing he could think of: from the whole Avengers saga to Marvel vs DC, and then cartoons and Netflix, and how he likes New York and his new job ... seriously, anything.

"Yes." I mumbled, trying to focus enough on the movie not to blush.

"I have two younger brothers. Both in high school." Ben said. I could feel his eyes on me; it was uncomfortable because I hate when people watch me, but it didn't feel creepy.

I knew I had to say something, but I couldn't make myself. So I just nodded. He'll probably think I have some sort of speech impairment.

Luckily, I was saved by the bell. Literally. Or almost. Because before Ben could say anything – like, do you have some mental issues I should know about? Can you talk? Do you understand my language? – someone knocked on the door. Part of me hoped it would be Joe coming back to save me from this awkward night, but deep down I knew it was something that would throw me deeper into the abyss of embarrassment. And I was right.

Because when I, somewhat relieved but also anxious, went to open the door, on the other side I found a double pearly white grin to greet me. Of course, Faith and Hope normally crash on my couch when they go clubbing, so I'm used to them coming over late at night. "Surprise!!!" The twins yelled in unison – it's creepy, by the way, twins talking in unison. They didn't even wait for my answer, just pushed past me, Faith half yelling she needed a shower. I don't know how she totally missed the guy sitting on my couch, petting one of my kittens, but she did. Hope didn't, though.

"Hello." She greeted politely and gently, going over to him.

"Hello." Ben replied with the same kindness. "I'm Ben, Joanna's new neighbor." He introduced himself, extending a hand to shake hers, which she welcomed with a small smile.

"Hope. And the rude hurricane that just passed you is my sister, Faith."

He smiled. She smiled. I felt uncomfortable. It's as if I was a third wheel, witnessing something I wasn't supposed to. Or rather, the beginning of something special. Usually in movies this is the moment when the two feel some sort of electric shock as their hands touch, and they stare into each other's eyes for a long time, seeing the future: white dress, black tuxedo, a nice and quaint church, a house in the suburbs, at least 3 kids and a dog.

They didn't. But only because Faith called for her sister, needing her to unzip her dress. Oh, right. I forgot the details. I should have described their perfect dresses worn on perfect frames and perfected by a perfect makeup on their perfect skins, right?

Faith and Hope are good friends. But they're also the kind of girls with looks that make those like me feel less than mud under their stilettos.

Much to my surprise, when I tore my gaze away from Hope, who'd just disappeared behind the corner, I realized Ben wasn't as much busy staring at her. Instead he was looking at me, his head tilted. He was probably wondering how could I be friends with such beautiful girls. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, there was a light knock on the door, which I'd left ajar. Turning around, I saw him entering. Nathan Hill in all his splendor. Man, the Hills must be pretty high up in God's list of favorite people, otherwise I can't explain how can they all be so breathtaking.

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