18. All it takes is you

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"So ..." Jeremy sighed, stopping the car in front of the diner.

"So ..." I repeated, suddenly embarrassed. We spent a great afternoon together, I never thought it could happen. I was convinced I would be awkward and quiet and he'd get bored and give up, instead ... we talked, like we used to back in the day, or even more. We found out we have a lot in common, we're more alike than I ever imagined.

"I had fun." He said with a small smile.

"Me too." I admitted. I glanced at my watch. "I ... need to go or I'll be late."

"Yeah, but ..." he cleared his throat, "breakfast when we both get off work in the morning?"

I remained shocked. He wanted to see me again? It's true that it was a nice afternoon, but I didn't think he'd want to repeat it, so soon even.

"It's okay if you don't ..."

"I do." I blurted out, my voice weak. "I ..." Come on, Jo, say it. "Yes, I ... yes to breakfast together." Damnit, that sounded like an indecent proposal, didn't it? I grimaced to myself for sounding so stupid.

"Great." Jeremy grinned. "I'll ... I can pick you up at the diner, or ... we meet at the café down the road?"

I nodded, not answering, but hoping he understodd what I meant. I'll wait a bit outside the diner when I finish work, just in case he comes pick me up, if not, I'll go to the café he said. I can't believe this is really happening, and it probably won't last, but I guess I should at least try to enjoy it for now.


News travels fast. It took one picture, just one single picture that Jeremy recklessly posted on his Instagram, one picture that didn't even include us, just books we bought at Leaky Cauldron ... and everyone came to know we went out on a date. And by everyone, I mean everyone.

You know how social media are, people you knew in school follow you even though you haven't seen them nor talked to them in over 10 years. So from his school friends, it arrived to our college mates, including, yes, Faith and Hope. I know, I know, they're my closest friends, I should have told them first. But I guess we've never really had that relationship where we tell each other everything.

Obviously, they texted me, and I explained it was nothing to really worry about. It was barely a date, imagine if it's worth making a fuss out of it, but they didn't believe me, so they've been stressing me out to know the details. Luckily, I could use the work excuse to avoid answering messages. Valerie too asked how it go and wanted to know everything, not to mention Joe who also saw the picture on Instagram. Even my parents called, because my cousins saw that damn picture, so everyone wanted to know – you realize how impossible it might have semeed to them, given the fuss –, only one person never spoke a single word about it all. Yeah, Ben.

I haven't heard a single word from Ben since before the date, while normally he would randomly text me just to keep me company – according to him, I may be forced to work in this shithole for the money, but doesn't mean I have to be alone in it; so when I'm at work he usually texts me, saying irrelevant shit just to hear from me. But this time ... nothing. It's been nothing since that stupid kiss, actually. It's as if the moment he kissed me, he totally switched sides, being a totally different person with me.

That's why, much against my very own nature, during a peaceful moment at the diner, I was once again staring at Ben's contact, trying to find the courage to text him. What am I even supposed to tell him? In the end it was just half a day without talking to each other, I go on way longer than that not talking to the twins or even my parents. I guess I just got used to hearing from him and seeing him often.

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