Finishing school

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Enjoy the story!

Drista POV:
Finally I was graduating high school! I couldn't wait to get to college and study filming and editing. That way I could make my videos so much better!

No one's POV:
Drista was at school for her graduation ceremomy. They called our her name and said

"Congratulations on graduating your senior year of high school!"

Drista ran up too the stage as everyone applauded her as she recieved her diploma. She and her whole family were super happy for her!

As the ceremony finished she ate a nice dinner with her family at a fancy restaurant. Once they finished, they went home and Drista started up a stream titled...

"Graduation stream...facecam"

Obviously she got permissiom from her brother to see if she could do it considering it would give further hints as too what he would look like.

Once she started the stream she already had over 500k viewers! Now she didn't start of the stream right away with her face showing. She first just kind of talked with her stream hyping up her viewers about the face reveal while her chat was super excited!

Finally after a few minutes, she had reached 900k viewers! Then she proceeded to say...

"Alright guys...I think it's time"

As she turned on her facecam revealing her with a MASK AND SUNGLASSE-

(I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding jk jk)

She turned on her facecam revealing her face. She had (just imagine what she would look like ok. I suck at descriptions.).

Her chat went CRAZY spamming

"Face reveal POG"
"Your so pretty🥺🥺🥺"
"WHAT I'm legally blind🕳👩🏽‍🦯"
"suddenly i can't see"

Just with that face reveal her follower count on twitch went up to 3mil! She was so happy and excited but she finally decided to start actually playing Minecraft with her friends.

She joined the discord vc with most of the dream smp members and was greeted with a bunch of

"Hi!!! Congratulations on graduating Drista!" Ranboo said
"Yeah! Come on get on the server we have a surprise for you!" Said Dream

"Umm ok"
"Am i gonna get killed once i get on?"

"No of course not" Tubbo said

"Alr i almost in"

As Drista was entering the server, her whole chat was spamming


She finally joined in and the first thing she saw was...
(Lmao i just realized that saw backwards is was)
The whole dream smp surrounding her everyone had cake in their hand and they all placed it at once saying

As they all dropped her a diamond

"OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO SWEET" Drista screamed
"You guys did not have to do this" She while laughing.

After that they all played some Minecraft together and and sometimes jokingly killed each other.

Eventually it was getting pretty late so Drista had to end the stream. But as she was about to end it, Tommy screamed into the mic saying

"YOU STREAMED A FACE REVEAL??!?!?!??!??!!!!?!??!"

Everyone sounded so shocked when they heard Tommy say that.

"Yeah, I thought you guys knew lmao"


"I thought you guys were following me on twitch..." She said as a joke

They all went silent.

"Well thank you guys so much for watching the stream boys. I hope you have a nice day..." Tommy said breaking the silence as he ended his stream.

Everyone in the vc started laughing as too what had just happened. Drista ended her stream and saying goodbye to everyone.

"Alr guys cya!"
She said as she left the vc.

I can't wait to start fully committing to my career. She thought.
Sorry that took so long I honestly was too lazy to do anything.(❍ᴥ❍ʋ) . Anyways i hope y'all enjoyed the story! I'm going to be starting a new story soon called. "One whole family" idk if you can guess what it's gonna be about. So if not, you'll see soon( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I hope you guys enjoyed!

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