Chapter 27

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The people fade around us and it's just Cedric and I, an arms-length away, as time slows down. Immediately, the whole room shifts their focus on the two of us, like we're the sun and they're a million little planets. For a bittersweet moment I'm reminded of a time we shared, only a few months ago.

"The ball is coming up soon, I don't have a date, and I'm afraid I won't get one." Genevieve stresses, forcing another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

"Want me to ask Harry for you?"

"Aww, thanks. That'd be nice and I really do appreciate it. I just don't want a pity invite."

"Well I have a secret. Harry actually likes you, so maybe, I could drop the hint that you like him back. If you want that, of course."

Genevieve's spoon stops mid-air and she looks at me wide-mouthed. "THE Harry Potter likes me? No way, not possible. Wait, seriously?"

I chuckle, recalling a similar situation I went through with Harry after he told me he liked Genevieve. 'What? You think she might go for me?'

"I'm very serious. So... what should I tell him?"

"Yes. Yes! A thousand times yes!"

"Alright. alright. He's asking not me, so don't get too excited now."

Genevieve breathes a sigh of relief and becomes starry-eyed, "So what about you and Cedric? Is he going to ask, or do you just assume?"

"Honestly, I'm fine with whatever. Just as long as he doesn't make a big production, I couldn't stand the attention on me like that."


It was only a week before the ball and Cedric hadn't mentioned anything. He hadn't even asked what color gown I'd be wearing. I really didn't have much to complain about though. If my biggest problem was clashing outfits with Cedric then it wasn't really a problem at all. I laughed at the thought of the two of us, standing at the Grand Entrance. Him wearing a lime-green tux while I sported a bubblegum pink dress.

All of a sudden, an antsy second-year ran up to me, eyes widened in fear, "Hurry, come quick! The entire hallway is FILLED with bubbles!"

I rolled my eyes, Fred and George back at it again. He led me to the scene of the crime, and sure enough, there was a wall of iridescent bubbles blocking the students from passing through. One Slytherin student, sick of waiting, charged forward, but was spit back out of the bubble wall. What's worse, he was now covered head to toe in soap, which oddly resembled a snail's slime trail.

I racked my brain for a spell to fix this mess, and after a moment I figured a reversal spell may do the trick "Deleo Bullesco ad Nauseum!" I yelled, pointing my wand at the massive wall of bubbles. The Slytherin student, still covered in goop, walked up to me and thanked me with a hug, enveloping me in his nasty slime.

"Hey look!" A young Ravenclaw shouted, pointing where the bubble wall used to be. I turned to see what she was pointing at. It was Cedric standing there with a boyish grin, Fred and George on either side of him.

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George."

"Desunt Revelare!" The three boys shouted in unison.

We were blasted with music, '99 Red Balloons' by Nena to be exact. We all didn't have time to take it in though because suddenly, large red balloons started falling from the ceiling. All of the younger students ran around the hall, trying to hit the balloons back into the air before they hit the ground. I, on the other hand, saw a huge banner tumble down, spelling out 'Will You Go To The Ball With Me?'

Cedric stepped forward garishly before bending down on one knee, lifting his head to look me in the eyes, "Will you, Lennox Potter, do me the honor of going to the ball with me?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes I will, Cedric Diggory."

"SHE SAID YES!" He cried out, leaping into the air and taking me into his arms.

The whole hall cheered for us, the twins whooping as they ran up to us.

"This is so embarrassing you know." I scolded Cedric. Teachers were now opening the doors to their classrooms, peering out to see what all the commotion was. Hundreds of curious eyes looked out into the hall, spotting Cedric and I standing right at the heart of it all.

"I know. I guess I like pushing you too." He taunted, bending down slightly to kiss me.

This reminded me so much of my happiest memory with him, and definitely the most embarrassing by far, but I was snapped back into the present. The hundreds of curious eyes now staring at me with malice, not wonder. Cedric shaking his head slightly, his hand clutching the black and green fabric.

"In my room? You slept with him in my own fucking room?"

"Cedric, please, not here."

"Why, don't want the whole Hufflepuff common room to know what a cheating whore you are?" He spat out, his face contorted with anger.

An angry tear slid down my cheek and I hastily wiped it away before looking him dead in the eyes, "You know I'd never do that to you."

The face that stared back at me was barely recognizable, but I'm sure he'd say the same thing about me, "Well it didn't just magically appear out of nowhere, did it?"

I stared at him, unsure of whether or not I should be yelling at him for actually believing I could do that to him or walking away from him before things got even worse.

"Did it?" He repeats imperiously.

"I wasn't even in your room last. It was you, you've got to believe I'd never do this to you."

"No I don't. I don't have to believe a single word that comes out of your traitorous mouth. Who'd you kiss last, me or him?"

"Fuck you, Cedric."

"No, I just want to know if I'm talking to Draco's girlfriend or mine right now."

"You're an asshole." I said, staring at him defiantly.

"Well it's not hard to be when I'm talking to someone I hate." He spat, throwing the robe on the ground and storming out of the room.

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