Chapter 3

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I thanked the two and headed towards the back of the train, keeping a very safe distance between me and blond boy. I looked in each compartment, but to my dismay, they were all full. I was dreading each step I took as I neared the end of the cabins; I didn't feel like having another encounter with Draco. Not now, not ever. I must've been standing there looking very stupid because a boy with dirty blond hair popped his head out of a compartment, a few rows ahead of me. "You must be new," he gazed at me. His voice was lighthearted and friendly.

"Yes, hi. Jenny. And you are?" I worked my way towards him. The cabin was empty, besides him. I felt very grateful; I had met a few nice people so far, but my encounter with Draco was a bit off-putting. So far Ginny, then Fred and George. I realized I had gotten so caught up that I forgot to listen to the boys response.

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that." I smiled sheepishly. "Cedric." The boy peered over to me. "What year are you?" Cedric asked. "Uhm, well. In America I'd be going into my Sophomore year. I'm not so sure it would be called the same thing though, huh?"

The boy looked astonished. "So you really are new, huh? How did you come so late? I figure you'll be in your fifth year, but I honestly have no clue. Everyone comes when they are 11. You must be special." I sat back, shocked. 

I wasn't special at all. In fact, I usually had been overlooked. Which was fine by me. It still was odd though, how did Hogwarts even know I was a witch in the first place? Especially when I had no clue myself.

"Well I was visiting family out in London. So maybe that's why? I don't have a clue either, Cedric." I smiled up at him, and he did back. Cedric seemed like a very nice guy, and he was easy to talk to. During the ride I found out he was a Hufflepuff, one of four houses. I hoped to be a Hufflepuff too. If all of them were as chill as he is.

He was my first friend, and already a good one at that. Sadly though, he was a year ahead of me. Not to worry though, he assured me. Even if I was in a different house and grade, a lot of classes were mixed. I smiled, very content. With that, I fell asleep, while Cedric looked out the window.


I awoke to a light tap on my shoulder. I yawned, looking up at Cedric, with a hand outstretched to me. I slipped my fingers into his and let him pull me up. His hands were soft and warm. I walked outside of the cabin, following closely behind him. "Wow." I said, amazed. Cedric smiled at me. "Pretty cool, eh? I remember how shocked I was when I had first come here too. Yet again, I was 11, a baby." He joked. "And now you could be a senior citizen." I joked back.

"Hey! Respect your elders!" He mock yelled, ruffling my hair. I giggled, already grateful for the friendship I so quickly had. That is, until I caught sight of the blond boy.

He was pushing a little kid out of the way, unaware. I was sure he would've taken delight in it too, had he not been staring me down with disgust. What is his problem?

Cedric looked back at me, still standing in the same spot. "Oh, don't worry about him. He's harmless, but still rude. You've just got to avoid him." He whispered. I brought my attention back to Cedric.

Easier said than done. I had already made a bad impression on him, but was sure he had to have something against me. I didn't even do anything to him? I decided to shrug it off, as I looked away from Draco, heading into the Castle with Cedric.

"Jenny! I'm glad you've already met Cedric! He will be showing you around the school! First. Come, come." An older woman, ushered me inside. I looked back at Cedric, who gave me a reassuring nod, and followed the woman into a well-lit office.

"My name is Professor McGonagall. I'm sure you may be a bit confused, seeing as you don't know a whole lot about magic, huh?" She winked. "Well, not to worry! We will just need to sort a few things out first. Since you are coming in so late, we will need to accommodate your schedule to get you all caught up on the time you have missed. It is quite alright, though. We already have a tutor set up for you. Now, onto the second order of business. Your house. I presume you don't have a clue about which house you will be in?" the woman peered up at me.

"No, ma'am." I replied.

"Well that is quite alright. The first years are being sorted now, but I have urged Professor Dumbledore to bring the Sorting Hat into my office after. I feel this should be a more private affair, assuming you don't want a lot of attention on you." Professor McGonagall queried. I was very thankful.. and afraid of the limelight.

I spent the next half hour catching up on the things I missed and talking about my home with Professor McGonagall. All this talk made me miss my family a bit, but I was told the first break would be on Christmas. Suddenly, I heard a sharp knock on the door, and in stepped a man with a beard that was longer than my own hair.

"Ah, Professor Dumbledore!" McGonagall smiled up at the man. "Hello there! I have the hat." Professor Dumbledore replied curtly. I already got the feeling that this man was strange, but he didn't seem to be dangerous. I didn't have much time to think about it though because a talking hat was placed on my head.

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