Chapter 29

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You ever get that feeling where you can almost taste happiness, like honey on your tongue? That's what being with Cedric felt like. Seeing him disparate in the courtyard while I tried to make it to him felt like a bitter aftertaste. Cedric wasn't one for vengeance, or harsh words, but us being together had changed him. We'd both become unrecognizable from our first meeting on the train.

Being with Draco is what's best for the person I've become. He doesn't expect much out of me, and I him. The kid has got issues for sure, but he knows I do too, and neither of us are willing to talk about it. I've come to appreciate that, not feeling needed. It isn't a bad thing though; at least with Draco I don't constantly feel as though I'm hitting someone who can't hit back.

"Are you ready?" Draco peers his head into the classroom.

"Hold on." I mumble, packing all of my books into my bag and handing it over to him. "Just got to talk to Professor Trelawney real quick."

On our way out I notice a few odd glances our way. Well screw them. I glance over, hoping Draco wouldn't notice. Unsurprisingly, he hasn't, as he's been too busy trying to comb his hair back with his fingers.

"Ay, preppy. There aren't any modeling agencies out here, why don't you give it a rest?"

A shocked, uptight expression takes over his face before he breaks out into a grin, "Well I've obviously got no competition around. No wonder they aren't here."



The staring students now try to pretend they hadn't heard us, attempting to stifle their disappointed looks. It's obvious they don't get us, and maybe we don't get each other, but it seems like we do.

"So," Draco clears his throat. "Harry."

No no no. "What about Harry?"

"How long do you plan on sticking by him and that little gang of his?"

I try my best to force a polite smile, "How long do you plan on sticking by yours?"

Draco thinks on this for a moment, "My family doesn't approve of their sordid behavior."

"Your family, or you?" I shoot back.

Draco pauses, "Well, both."

"Your affairs aren't my business, Draco. Do what you need to do, and I'll do the same."

"But I can't do that when my muggleborn girlfriend is hanging with a group of imbeciles."

"Least you didn't call me a mud blood." I mumble.

"That's-" Draco frowns. "That's not the point. The point is-"

"Yes, Draco. Please, tell me the point of this conversation."

"You should stop engaging with them as long as we're consorting with one another."

"Then let's finish this."

This obviously knocks Draco back. He'd been so used to getting practically whatever he desired. Pansy, riches, opportunities, you name it. I'd consider telling him the word 'no' to his face, but I have to stop myself, out of fear that he'd burst a blood vessel.

"I don't want to do that." He huffs.

"Neither do I. Then it's settled."

"You'll stop being their friend?"

"No. Everyone needs friends, Draco. Even you. In fact, why don't I hang out with your friends later?"

Draco's face becomes stony, his expression blank. Almost like I wouldn't be able to see him if he became still enough.

"That won't work. You need to pick a side."

"Says who?"


"Well tell that wrinkled bag to shove it."

"Ms. Kingsley!" McGonagall's shrill voice calls out. "We do not use inappropriate language in this school."

"Sorry, ma'am. But I'm just calling it as I see it."

"You'll do well to choose your words more carefully next time. As for you, Mr. Malfoy, where exactly is your final destination? Seeing as you're now increasingly close to the Hufflepuff common room."

Draco blushes. At McGonagall? I'll so get him for that later. Then gives me a stiff shake of the head before scurrying off. I silently curse him for leaving me alone with her as I go to pick up my bag. When I stand back up, McGonagall is now much closer to me. We're both practically the same height, but I feel much smaller as she manages to stare down at me while being eye-level. After a long while she steps back giving me, if I'm not mistaken, an approving glance.

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding, and move to run past her as well, before she holds a finger up. Please, just let me go.

"I'm getting detention?"

She gives a slight nod of the head. "Meet me in the Dining Hall at 7 pm on the dot. From there I shall take you to the trophy room. Your father's favorite place to serve detention as well."

"My father?"

"It was my wish that neither of his children would inherit his knack for getting into trouble, but it has become apparent that is not the case. Your mother would be quite proud, though. Of you being a Hufflepuff."

"She would?"

"Oh yes. If I'm not wrong Hufflepuff was her second favorite house. She took an interest in Potions as well."

"Like me."

"Like you. You and Harry both remind me so much of Lily and James. They would be proud of the young adults you've both become."

"Thank you, that means so much. And I promise, no more public swearing about Voldemort."

"In front of anyone, dear. Not just in the halls." She makes a small shooing motion, signaling my release.

"Can't make any promises, Minnie!" I grin, before turning my heel and sprinting away before I receive another detention.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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