Chapter 11

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I walked into the library with Ashley; he had to return a few books and Ms. Pince was really getting on her about it. "Nice, Jen. Looks like you do have Hermione!" Ashley smiled, pointing to a waving Hermione. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I was scared that I may have had a Ravenclaw tutor.

They were amazing people to be around, but they were so smart that whenever they tried to explain something to me it never sounded like English. I walked over to Hermione and set my things down on the large desk.

"Hey, Jenny. I have good and bad news. Which one first?" 


"Well, I am your tutor!" 

"And the bad?"

 "When I said am, that was past tense. So I'm really sorry, but you had to get assigned a new one." 

"It's okay, I totally understand if you didn't have time. At least I didn't have to study today." 

"Well not exactly. You've already been arranged a new one. They are just a bit late." 

"And who might that be?" 

 "Me." A cold voice replied. Draco Malfoy. I groaned. Out of every possible student in this entire school, why him?

"Sorry!" Hermione squeaked, getting up from her chair and fleeing the room in a hurry as Draco takes her spot. 

"I'm not doing this." I growled, standing up. "Oh yes, you are." Draco replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me back down. "If I'm forced to be here then you are too. So if I have to teach, you have to listen." He said to me.

"What could you possibly do to get stuck in this situation?" I asked, slumping into my chair. "Well, if you must know, I was caught with Pansy by some prefect. I think his name was Parker? Patrick?" he guessed. 

"Percy? You got caught by Percy?" I laughed at him. 

"Well I wouldn't really say caught. I was getting sick of her anyways. It was really more of a miracle that Percy stumbled on us." Draco trailed off with a grimace.

Then, as if he suddenly remembered where he was, gained back his cool exterior. "No more asking questions." He ordered. I sighed, flipping my textbook to the current chapter I was on. This was going to be the longest two hours of my life.


"It just doesn't make sense!" 

"Yes it does. You just need to focus." Draco replied calmly. 

"I am focused. It just doesn't make sense." I shot back. "Alright that's it. You need a break." Draco said, shutting the books. 

"No. No breaks. I have a test on this in two days!"

"Well you just said you didn't understand it, so just give it a break. Fifteen minutes. Do you trust me?" 

"No. I do not, but I do appreciate you taking the time out of your day to help me. So I guess fifteen minutes won't hurt. Only if you promise me ten minutes. Then straight back to work!" 


"Pinky promise?" I held out my pinky to him. 

"That is stupid. I am not doing that!" 

 I just stare back, with my pinky out. After staring him down for a solid 30 seconds, he broke, intertwining his pinky with mine. 

"Pinky promise." He said gruffly.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him. We had already been walking for two minutes and I really did need to figure out the Shrinking Charm. It was a second year charm, but I was staying after class with Professor Flitwick to take the second year exam, and I didn't want to waste his time. Draco ignored my questions and dragged me into an empty classroom.

"Why are we in here?" I questioned him again. 

"Will you be quiet for just one second?" He growled, flicking the light switch. As the lights turned on I recognized where we were: The Room of Requirement. I had never been in here before. It was my understanding that we both needed the Room of Requirement for it to appear, but if I was being honest with myself I did want a break. Draco dragged me over to a... box? What was cool about this?

My questions were soon answered as he pulled out a silk bag. 

"Stick your hand in." Draco said. 

"I am not sticking my hand in the bag. I don't know what's in there!" 

 "Stick your damn hand in!" He yelled at me. I rolled my eyes at him, sticking my hand in.

As I pulled it out I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a dragon, but a really small version. It couldn't have been more than seven inches in height and three inches in width. "Woah." I said mesmerized at the tiny creature.

I watched Draco stick his hand in the bag and pull out another dragon. "I found these awhile back. Now they're like pets to me." He confessed. "They don't need any food or water though. They're just replicas of the ones that oaf Hagrid brought to the school. You weren't here to see it though. I caught him too, and almost sent him out of here. If it wasn't for Potter." He said, recalling past events. They were both the same species of dragon, but mine was a little bit bigger. It looked like they were at different stages of life.

"So what'd you name him?" 

"I actually hadn't thought of that. You want to help?" 

"Well how many are there?" 

He thought about this for a moment then replied, "Six." That's a lot of dragons to name. 

"Okay. Stevie, for sure." 

 "Well which one is Stevie?" 

 "Mine, of course." I smiled at Stevie, petting his nose. 

"Oh, so he's yours now?" Draco chuckled. "I see what happens when I show my dragons to you."

"Calm down, Malfoy. You can have the other ones, if you're nice." I added. 

"So now you're bargaining with me over my dragons?" He laughs, a real genuine laugh. I didn't know that was possible. I look at the time. It's way past fifteen minutes, but this was worth it.

We came back with about twenty minutes left, and surprisingly Malfoy was right. That break was just what I needed. I figured out the Shrinking Spell no problem at all.

I began to pack up all of my textbooks when I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind. "How'd it go?" I turn around to look at Cedric. 

"Great, actually. Malfoy over here taught me all the spells I need to learn for tomorrow, and I even named a dragon!" 

"Well what did you name it? No, let me guess. Spike?" Cedric smiled. 

"No that's lame. I picked Stevie."

"You know, Draco," Cedric turns to him, "Your name actually means dragon in Greek Mythology." 

"How interesting." Draco says monotone. 

"Same time tomorrow?" Draco asks me. 

"I thought it was every other day? Cedric and I already made a plan to go to Hogsmeade. Oh no, did I mess you up?" I turn away from Cedric to place a worried glance on him. 

 "No." Draco replies fiercely as he stalks off. So much for the new Draco.

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