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    As the last times, you followed both men. You never heard of the name "Jed Olsen", but you knew somehow you'll probably be hearing that name a lot. Heath started the explanation about Jed.

"Well, this guy is a mystery to us. We can barely get any info from him or others. It's just like he had no life before he got here. But, all we know is his name, Jed Olsen. He was behind the stalking and murders of multiple people. The cops never thought they would catch the guy, but one night he was caught in the act. Some say he wanted to be found."

Heath then shrugged, "But, hey, just a rumor. Who knows."

It stuck with you on how people say he wanted to be found. Why would someone with such a high record of body counts just want to end? But like Heath said, they were rumors. The only one who would know would be Jed himself. You hardly doubt that someone who is stubborn as he sounds would give that information up though.

Hernandez then continued on with the information on him. "Another thing, Jed has his own little fan group."

Now that perked your attention. "Billy and Stu are that fan group, believe it or not. They tried copying his whole technique and costume. But as you saw, they failed horribly. And you know who isn't so pleased with that?"

Hernandez looked over at you waiting for a response. You knew exactly the right answer and spoke up, "Jed?".

Hernandez smiled, "Bingo, kid." He chuckled to himself, "He was furious when they both came in claiming to be the real Ghostface. He nearly blew a fuse and caused a whole lockdown because of how irritated he was."

You were taken back that he was that angry over some high school copycats. However, you could never understand how it would feel to get your own special, serial killer, technique stolen...by high schoolers.

Heath then cleared his voice, a sign for attention on him. He then spoke up. "Alright, alright. Enough chit-chat, let's just get moving. He must be waiting for us."

You all headed up to the door and Hernandez unlocked it. "Alright Jed, we have a nurse we want you to meet. She'll be your new caregiver, give her some respect and treat her better than you did to the last one."

After he said those words, you gave a nasty look to Heath. Trying to tell him in your facial expression 'You didn't tell me about that!'. All he did was give a nervous chuckle and look back at the door. As Hernandez opens the door-leaving a peek of it open-he let you and Heath in. He soon followed in after.

The room was tidy, a bit scruffy. But it's better than the other rooms. Jed was at his desk, clearly writing something in his journal. The pages were filled to the brim with text, which was all unreadable from afar. Now, Jed wasn't what you expected. You thought he was a stronger built man, tall, a lot of scars, maybe blonde? But no, he wasn't any of those things. The man in front of you was short, thinner than Brahms but bigger than Norman, and a brunette. You were almost right about the scars, he didn't have as much as you thought. But he did have one, it was on his forehead. Clearly old, because of the fade in it. He had a tiny scruffy beard and thick, short brown hair. His eyes were dark, obviously brown. His eyes screamed danger and death. Showing no humanity left in him, only anger and greed.

You were distracted looking at the man that you almost didn't notice Heath trying to catch your attention. "Hello, Y/N? Are you alright? Do you need to step out, because we can if you want." You shook your head to snap out of your thoughts.

"No, no. I'm fine, just thinking. I'm sorry..." You gave a pity laugh to try to ease the room. "I'm Y/N; nice to meet you Jed." You held out your hand to him, hoping to distract everyone from your little day dream.

Jed stood up from his chair. He quickly fixed his hair and smiled at you. Jed grabbed your hand and shook it. "It's okay, Doll. I have that trick on women, don't worry." With that he winked. You could tell he was a "lady's man", you couldn't wait to deal with that in the future. You then let go of his hand quickly. Nervous that he might kiss yours if you let him hold it any longer.

Hernandez then came in, "Alright buddy. Relax on the flirting. We just came here to get you both introduced to each other." You nodded in response. "Yes, I just wanted to say my name is Y/N. Which you probably already knew. And that it is a pleasure to meet and get to work with you."

Jed smiled, "And I hope to say the same in the future.". Heath then put his hand on your shoulder, "Alrighty, that seems enough for now. Right Hernandez?" Hernandez agreed. "Yes, definitely."

They led you out the door. But before they could fully get you out, you heard Jed speak: "I hope to see you more Y/N. I can't wait to have a great chemistry with you...". You knew he was smirking when saying it. It gave a chilling feeling down your neck. His words were seductive and frightful. That's probably how he brought in his victims. It was almost hypnotizing.

Heath gave a nervous chuckle and spoke up, "We should have probably mentioned his flirtatious side. He gets like that with everyone. It's almost luring really." All you could do is smile and shake your head. Hernandez then said, "Honestly, he almost got me there!"

Heath and you both looked at him smiling. Hernandez nervously laughed, "Kidding of course! I mean i would never, ever do that-" He kept one mumbling, trying to make things less awkward. But all it did was make it more awkward.

Heath then patted his back, "It's okay bud. We get it.". Hernandez's cool, relaxed personality he first showed is now replaced with an embarrassed one.

You smiled, "Yeah, it's fine really. Anyways, we're getting distracted from our main task. Who else is on the list of people to meet Hernandez!"

He smiled, "I think next is the other copy-cat ghostface: Billy Loomis."

A Caring Heart - Slashers x Nurse! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now