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     That's new. A woman here? I mean, you weren't complaining. But it still caught you off guard. You expected that all your patients were people who identified as men. But, lucky enough, you have a female patient. Someone that may be easier to understand or get along with. Although, how they spoke of her, you hardly doubt it'll be easy. None of them have ever been easy.

     From outside of her door, you could hear silent cussing and clear as day annoyance. You look over at the boys.

     "Uhm, you two of course hear her right?" You say in a hushed tone. Hernandez gives a small cackle at you.

     "Oh yeah, we hear her all the time. She is a very feisty, short tempered person." Heath then got his key and started unlocking the door. Hernandez then nudged your arm and smiled.

     "Hey watch this, Y/N. I know I shouldn't do this but it's hilarious." Right as Heath barely cracked open the door, Hernandez hollers out.

     "Hey Fussy, we have a little surprise for you! Better not tear her up!" Soon after, the cursing became louder. Most were harsh words towards the men. Some of it were words you've never even heard of before. All Hernandez could do was laugh to himself, not even care that he is poking a bear. Matter of fact, a killer bear. He leads you in first, a head dive into an angry woman's room.

     And then you see her. For a hot head, she is pretty hot. Her hair is cut short and is held in a loose bun. Underneath the bun, you see an underneath shaved cut. You see scars on her arms and neck. All apparent and old. She is hunched over her desk, working hard on something. Not caring for any of you. All of you stand there, waiting for her to look at you. It's long enough for things to get awkward. You decide to finally break the silence by clearing your throat.

     "Hello, Ms. Young. I am Y/N L/N, it is very nice to meet you. I will be your new nurse. I hope that I can be of use to you while I am here. And I can't wait to get to know you more in the future."

     Amanda scoffs at you. Not once does she glance at you when you speak. She keeps tinkering on her gadgets until you hear an unusual sound from it. Amanda jumps up in a hurry. She is flustered.

     "Gah–You messed me up lady!" She slams the item onto the desk. She snaps her neck to you. Anger and spite are in her eyes. The young woman's face turns red.

     "I was so close to fixing this damn thing until you busted in with your buddies." her arms fly up with annoyance. "Me and the others don't care who you are. We all know that you won't last a fucking week here." She huffs and sits in her seat. Not giving you or the other men one look.

     "Amanda!" Jake interjects, "That is incredibly disrespectful of you! Y'know, I'll be putting that into the notes! You and your therapist will be having a talk about this." Jake pushes you behind him and Justin. You try to interrupt, explain that you'll be okay and that this is expected. Until Justin speaks above you.

     "And what is that so-called gadget you're working on, Amanda?" Justin folds his arm, waiting for her response. Amanda's eyes open wide. She looks over at the item and quickly moves over to grab it. She hides it behind her.

     "Nothing. You don't need to worry, asshole." replied Amanda

     "Oh no, no. Hand it over." Justin pulls his hand out, gesturing to her to give it over. Amanda steps back, Justin moves forward. Amanda takes another step back, Justin gets fed up. He moves forward and grabs her wrist with the item in it. He grabs it and lets go of her. He inspects it closely and looks back at her.

     "Amanda Young. Is this another weapon prototype?" Justin says disappointedly. Amanda stands there in silence. Justin quirks up an eyebrow, waiting for her response.

     "You don't need an answer from me. You already know." Amanda looks away from the group once again. She crosses her arms and pouts.

     Justin signs and facepalms. He drags down his hands and his face. "You know I'll need to report this to the supervisor right? You might go to solitary, Amanda." Amanda sits there in silence. Not giving one response or expression. "Alright then Amanda. That's your choice. C'mon gang, let's get going." He turns around and motions you and Jake to hustle. You both move forward out the door. Justin follows after and closes the door. He locks it up and turns to you both again. He tosses up the item and catches it. It's a repeated process.

     "Jake, you know the deal." Justin states.

      "Yes, I know," Jake replies.

     You look back and forth between the two. Waiting for something else. Nothing comes. So you come forward and speak.

     "Know what exactly?" Both look at you. Justin speaks up. "Well, I have to report this thingy to our boss and get an idea on what we're going to do to deal with this lady." He points back at Amanda's room. "So you and Jake are going to have to just do something else until I get back."

     You sign and your shoulders slump feeling defeated. "So I won't get to meet the others?" Jake pats your back, trying to reassure you. "No, no! I mean you still can! But not right now. We'll just take a quick lunch break while Justin does his thing. And once he is back, we can go right back to our little tour! Does that sound good to you, Y/N?" replied Jake with a smile.

     You smile back at him. You nod at both of them. "Yeah, that can work. Besides, I was getting hungry."

     "Great, it works out then! I'll see you two soon enough. Don't have too much fun without me!" Justin smiles and pats your back before walking off around a corner.

     You and Jake smile at one another before walking off in another direction, towards the workers break room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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