𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵

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     In the dead of the morning, a sweet but loud melody caught hold of you while sleeping. You slowly woke to it, you turned head to your cabinet beside your bed. You see the dim light of your phone, the melody was coming from your phone. Before going to bed yesterday, you set an alarm extra early to get ready for your big day. You set it at 5 AM. Which, yes, that may be a bit too early. But, you wanted to look, and feel your best. You wanted to have a good first impression on your patience, coworkers, and boss. Which is understandable.

     The first thing you did as you got up was get the outfit you were going to wear that day. You decided to wear a grey scrub, they had teal colored strings on them. You laid them on the bathroom sink counter-top. After that, you went to the kitchen to eat. You had eggs with some toast. When you finished with your food, you headed back to the bathroom to take a shower. Once you were done showering, you blow dried your hair. You decided to put it in a nice bun/ponytail. You then put on your outfit, got your phone, bag, and key card then headed out the door.

     After getting out of your house, you got into your car. You headed to your job which took a bit of time. But, once you arrived, you noticed that the area was heavily covered by trees, making it difficult to see. You saw a gate that was guarded by multiple men in officer suits. You drove up to the area and rolled down the window to speak to one of the men. The man in front of your window had dark brown hair, dull green eyes. He seemed young from what you could tell. He had a badge on the left side of his chest, which read smith.

      He lowers himself to your point of view. He looks at you before smiling and asking, "Hello ma'am, are you visiting?". You smile back at him before responding back, "No, no. I'm actually working here now! I'm the new nurse." He looks back at you, you could see his face light up after hearing you say that. "Oh, you're the new girl that everyone is talking about! We haven't had a new nurse in a while." You question why people have been talking about you around the asylum. "Well, um, can you please let me through the gate?" you asked politely. He quickly responds, "Oh, yeah, forgot about that. Just give me your key card for a second please." You then shuffle through your bag and give him the card. He leaves and goes over to a key card slot. He swipes your card through and comes back over to you. "Here's your card, ma'am!" he then passes back your card. "Good luck on your first day!", he waves you goodbye as the gate opens and you drive through the entrance. 

     Officially starting your first day of work. Which couldn't be so bad...right? 

A Caring Heart - Slashers x Nurse! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now