Round 1: VS Serena!

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Contest Stadium Area, I don't know what you call it/POV: Ashlie

Okay Ashlie, you let this girl's words get to you before, just trust your instincts, and you'll be fine!

"Now, will Ashlie and Serena enter the field!" The announcer shouted, and we walked up to our positions.

"Ready to lose Ashlie?" Serena laughed, and I shook my head.

"I think you're the one going down!" I laughed, "Let's get this over with!"

"Sylveon, let's show her!" Serena shouted.

"Blaze, I choose you!" I exclaimed.

"Contest begin!" The judge shouted.

"Flare Blitz and Flamethrower upwards!" I shouted, and Blaze made a fire ball around him that was shooting flames out of the sides.

"Fairy Wind!" Serena shouted.

"Brick Break straight down!" I ordered, and when Blaze hit the ground, the flames went everywhere!

"Sylveon, use Shadow Ball!" Serena screamed, "We can't lose this!"

"Dig," I ordered, and Blaze went underground, ", now Flare Blitz!"

"Hold on, what?" Serena exclaimed, and the whole field burned out, and Sylveon went out, "No way!"

"Ashlie is in the lead with 35 points!" The judge shouted, "What will Serena do?!"

"Pancham, let's do this!" Serena shouted.

"Let's keep going Blaze!" I sighed, "Use Brick Break."

"Use Retaliate!" Serena ordered, and it looked like it hurt, "Use Stone Edge!"

"Use Flamethrower!" I pleaded, and we saw Blaze go down, "Oh no!"

"Now Serena has taken the lead with 12 points!" The judge announced.

"You take a good rest Blaze," I sighed while recalling him, "Aura, let's go!"

"I'm ready Ashlie!" Aura exclaimed.

"Use Aura Sphere!" I exclaimed.

"Use Brick Break!" Serena shouted, and Brick Break broke the Aura Sphere, "Use Stone Edge!"

"Do a twirl in the air, and use Aura Sphere!" I ordered, and the Aura Sphere looked so mesmerizing when that happened, and it worked.

"Pancham!" Serena gasped, "Erg, use Dark Pulse!"

"Use Metal Claw and Aura Sphere!" I ordered, "Let's finish this!"

Aura summoned an Aura Sphere, and used Metal Claw to cut it into pieces, then he sent all of the tiny orbs flying at Pancham!

"Now, use Aura Sphere in the ground!" I ordered, and it made a huge explosion that shook the arena, and defeated Pancham, "Nice!"

"Aw man!" Serena grunted, and I looked at the score board, and I had 50 points ahead of Serena, I could win this!

"Braixen, go!" Serena grunted, and she sent out her Fire Starter, "Use Fire Blast!"

"Spin around a Bone Rush to block it!" I ordered, and they looked like bones an Alolan Marowak would use, except there was two, and there was red fire, "Charge at Braixen, now!"

"Use Flamethrower!" Serena shouted, but it was too late, Aura had already gotten to Braixen, and took her out, "No, it can't be!"

"What a surprise, not only did Ashlie win the battle, she won by 67 points above Serena!" The judge shouted, "And she got 276 points, which is a new record!"

"ALRIGHT!" I squealed, "That's amazing!"

"It sure is Ashlie!" Chuster chuckled, "Let's keep going through the tourney!"

"My friends will still beat you!" Serena grunted, but I shook my head.

"We'll see!" I sighed.

Waiting for the other contest matches to be over for round 1/POV: Lusamine

"That was amazing Ashlie!" I exclaimed, "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks mom!" Ashlie giggled, "I did amazing, right guys?"

"Yep!" Dusk chuckled.

"You did good." Darkrai stated.

"That was awesome!" Goomba and Zizzy exclaimed.

"You did amazing sis!" Gladion chuckled.

"I've never seen something like that before!" Goh exclaimed, "Like, that was so intense!"

"Goh's right!" Chloe exclaimed, "And it looks like the second battle of round 1 is starting!"

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