Chapter 7: The Code Cores

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It was quiet at the Omega Space Station, located outside the AU Multiverse. Elizabeth, the Star Fairy protecting it, looked at the chart containing the status off all the AUs. Every so often, she noticed an AU going missing, completely erased from existence. No corruption, no overwrites, nothing happened to it to cause it to disappear.

"Impossible," she said to herself, "I've never seen timelines and Alternate Universes vanish in an instant. What could be the cause of it?"

"Perhaps there is a new threat," Rosie suggested as she walked towards Elizabeth.

"Rosie?!" she said with surprise, "I wasn't expecting you to show up."

"It's a matter we can't neglect," Rosie replied, "Someone out there is destroying AUs entirely, leaving them without a trace."

"But how?" Elizabeth asked, "Error Sans was killed and Nightmare was pacified. What could be the cause of this?"

"Did I ever tell you about Code Cores?" Rosie responded.

"I don't believe so," Elizabeth answered, "If I knew what they were, I would know."

"Code Cores are what keep the AU alive," Rosie explained, "Every AU has one, usually kept inside the fallen one or the royalty. If someone were to obtain all the Code Cores of an AU, the AU would disappear. That could mean bad news for our AU. What if the threat has already arrived to it?"

"No," Elizabeth said, "The threat has already took action. People across UnderBound are getting filled with great Hatred and turning into Hate Demons. Willow may be dead, but her SOUL still exists in that AU. It's inside a small skeleton child, but from what I see, he's unaware of what he really is."

"I see," Rosie said, "But what about the three unknown beings?"

"You mean the Colorstar Fairies?" Elizabeth corrected, "I don't have any data on them. They appear to be the same species as us, but their alignment is unknown. I don't know about their intentions or why they are here."

"Should we go to UnderBound?" Rosie asked, "We need to protect our princess and the one that possesses glorious light."

"No," Elizabeth said firmly, "We were ordered by the princess to stay here, so that's what we'll do. We will only leave when things are out of control."

"If you say so," Rosie said.


There was a knock on the door of Gaster's house. Hinawa answered it and saw Asriel and Sans.

"Hello, my children," she said sweetly.

"Human Mom, I came to bring Sans home," Asriel replied with a smile, "I found him at the arcade. He was getting picked on by some bullies, but he's okay now." Sans nod his head.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay," Hinawa said, "Let me make you some omelets and some tea. Asriel, you might want to get home soon. I heard it's dangerous this time around."

"Okay," Asriel said. Sans walked inside and closed the door behind him.

"Mom?" he asked, "Why does everyone think I'm a freak?"

"I don't quite understand," Hinawa answered, "Did something happen today?"

"I don't get it," he replied, "Some days I feel like a normal child, but then suddenly, everyone becomes oddly afraid of me. What's wrong with me? It's like there's someone inside of me. And it doesn't help that I'm getting these random headaches as well." A tear was about to drop from his eye before Gaster walked into the room.

"Have you been taking your medicine?" he asked him, "I told you it would get rid of the pain."

"I haven't," Sans answered, "I've been forgetting to. I'm sorry."

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