Chapter 3: The Cursed Dolls

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Asriel looked to the left and looked to the right as he was sitting down at the table outside of Onett's Burger Joint. It had been half an hour and Chara was still not there for the date they had planned.

"She didn't show up?" Asriel said, sounding hopeless, "That's never happened before. Speaking of which, where is everyone?" He looked around the streets and saw fewer people than normal.

"Maybe they're busy," Asriel guessed. Kumatora walked by and saw the sad expression on his face.

"Kid, are you alright?" she asked him, "You seem a bit sad."

"I think Chara stood me up," Asriel told her, "I don't know why though."

"I don't think you're the only one buddy," Kumatora told him, "Many of the people here have either not showed up for work or have gone missing entirely."

"What do you think is happening?" Asriel asked with concern, "Where is everybody? I'm scared now."

"Last person I saw was carrying an old doll," Kumatora said, "He only appeared to be focusing on that. There was something lavender in his eyes."

"Do you think it could be Hatred?" Asriel asked, "That's the only thing I can think of."

"Whatever it is, it's taken control of most of the people here in Eagleland," Kumatora replied.

"Kumatora!" Blue shouted as she ran towards them holding an unconscious Dream, "We have a problem!" As she arrived, Kumatora examined the sleeping skeleton.

"What's the issue?" Kumatora asked. Dream slowly opened his eyes.

"The... negative... energy," he began weakly, "It's too strong. I'm beginning to fade away." He gently closed his eyes again.

"Don't go!" Blue shouted in a panic, "We need you Dream!"

"This situation is worse than I thought," Kumatora said, "Asriel, go find Chara immediately."

"Right!" Asriel replied. He started to run towards her house. As he was, he passed by Ness and Lucas.

"I wonder why he's in a hurry," Ness wondered, "Perhaps we should follow him."

"Ness, you're getting sidetracked, again," Lucas told him, "We have our own business to worry about."

As Asriel arrived at Chara's house, he slowly creeped the door open. He slowly walked inside with chills crawling down his spine.

"Chara?" he called out, "Are you here?" He walked up the stairs and walked towards her room. As he cracked the door open, he saw a demented look in Chara's eyes as she stared into the eyes of the doll that she was holding. Asriel walked inside and noticed the plethora of dolls in her room.

"I didn't realize you were so into dolls," Asriel said, "Why do you have so many?"

"The dolls," Chara began in a demented voice, "They speak to me. They tell me things. They're my new friends."

"Chara, I think you're going a bit overboard with this," Asriel said as he took a few steps forward. As he did, he accidentally knocked one of the dolls off of Chara's dresser, causing it to shatter into several pieces as it hit the floor. Chara turned to Asriel with a creepy, emotionless expression.

"What did you do?!" she said, "Why would you do that?!" Asriel looked forward and saw a lavender glow in her once red eyes.

"Chara?" Asriel said, "Why are you acting like this? Don't you know that it's me? Asriel?" He tried to grab Chara's hand, but what met with a sharp slap across the face, knocking him to the floor.

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