Chapter 16: Phase 2 (Part 2)

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As soon as Willow, Elizabeth, and Rosie stepped outside of the house, they felt a strange uneasiness fill the air.

"Something doesn't seem right," Rosie said, "It's almost as if something terrible is going to happen very soon." Elizabeth looked over and saw Emile, Henry, and Percy running towards them.

"Look," she said, "It's the boys."

"What are you guys doing here?" Willow asked. As soon as they arrived, everyone had a stunned look on their face.

"Wait, I thought Henry died," Elizabeth remarked.

"Same with Willow," Emile added.

"Why is everyone back?" Percy asked, "Aren't you two supposed to be at the Omega Space Station?"

"We came back because we need to step in to stop Dead Star," Rosie explained, "Strangely enough, Henry has come back from the dead."

"I came back because Asriel was in danger," Henry replied, "I don't quite understand everything just yet. There has to be a reason why."

"Perhaps I can explain why," Layla said in the distance. Everyone looked over and saw her walking with Blue towards them. As soon as they caught up, Blue's mouth dropped.

"Everyone?" she said, "It's been so long since we last were together like this." She attempted to hold back her tears of joy.

"Blue, it's time," Layla told her, "You must grant all of us your power. Turn us all into Super Star Fairies."

"Right," Blue replied. She held the Golden Chaos Saber towards the sky as it began to glow, transforming every Star Fairy into Super Star Fairies. Rosie's outfit color changed from black to red, matching everyone else's outfits.

"Why do I have to look so girly?" Rosie asked.

"And what happened to my lab coat?" Elizabeth asked.

"Don't worry about it," Layla told them, "You can transform back whenever you need to. These powers are only to be used when the time is necessary."

"You sure have changed," Rosie remarked, "You seem more like a leader than ever before."

"Well, during the time of the AU wars, someone had to take charge," Layla replied, "I was done being in the deep end of the ocean." Hiding behind one of the nearby buildings, Dr. Kumatora loaded the Star Fairy Nullifier.

"This should stop them temporarily," she told herself, "Dead Star will be so proud of me." She pointed the weapon at Blue's back.

"Gotcha!" she shouted as she fired a pure white beam. Blue quickly turned around and nullified the attack with the Chaos Saber.

"Reveal yourself!" Blue shouted. Dr. Kumatora walked out from behind the building.

"You're too fast!" she shouted, "I would've had you right there and then."

"I predicted this would happen," Blue replied, "I'm not easy to fool." Dr. Kumatora smirked.

"Well, if that's so, let's see if you can dodge this!" she shouted as she summoned a dark star. She then threw it at Blue, but before it could hit her, Ink Sans suddenly jumped in the way, surprising both Blue and Dr. Kumatora. Ink screamed in agony as his Code Core retreated from his body. It appeared as a star that changed color in a chromatic rainbow order.

"But how?" Blue asked.

"I saw her from outside my window," Ink explained, "I know it was foolish of me, but you need to go on without me." Dr. Kumatora then pulled the Code Core towards herself, causing Ink to vanish.

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