Chapter Eighteen: Honesty

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There's a gentle knocking at the door.

"Audrey? Evan? Food's about done."

I make a show of moving as quickly as possible out of bed to open the door and show my dad that we are both fully clothed.

"We'll be right down," I say.

A softness permeates my dad's gaze as he watches Evan sit up sleepily and rub his eyes. Then he nods and leaves us be.

"I'm going to... brush my teeth..." I say, frowning.

Evan laughs so hard he turns red.

After brushing my teeth, I join Evan and my dad downstairs. Dad has prepared slow-cooked peppered steak, mashed potatoes, and grilled asparagus. Evan's eyes are wide at the sight of the food. I wonder when he last ate a proper home-cooked meal.

"Drinks?" my dad asks. "I bought a pack of fancy hipster Portland beers if you guys want them... we have juice and milk and some Pepsi..."

"Water's fine, thank you," Evan says. "I don't drink."

My dad nods. I grab myself a Pepsi out of the fridge as he begins filling two glasses of water for Evan and himself. "Are you... in recovery, if you don't mind my asking? I'm sure Audrey's told you that I am."

"Yeah," Evan says without hesitation. "I messed around with stuff I shouldn't have when I was eighteen. I try to avoid intoxicants now."

I smile up at him, so proud of his honesty.

My dad sets a glass of water beside Evan's plate with a glowing smile, as appreciative of the candor as me. But when I sit down at my spot, my dad's face changes as he reaches to grab himself a steak.

"So... when were you planning on telling me that you met Evan at the Mission?" my dad asks conversationally.

I freeze, searching my thoughts for what we did to tip him off. I can't think of anything, but Evan begins speaking before I can.

"Tonight," he says steadily, looking my dad in the eyes. "I love Audrey and I didn't like lying to you. Neither of us intended for it to go this far. When she told you I was in school, she just didn't want you to be afraid that I would hurt her."

I nod. "If I'd known that... that I'd feel this way about Evan, I wouldn't have lied, dad. I'm sorry."

My dad nods. "Don't be mad at Tia. She didn't know. I just texted her to see if I could find out some more about Evan and she didn't know any better than to brag about how he stepped up when you got a concussion. And, honestly..." He pauses, then nudges the plate of steak in Evan's direction. "I don't blame you two. You were right. If I'd known the truth I would've lost my mind. But I like you, Evan. Audrey deserves the best this world has to offer and from what I've seen, you make the cut."

Evan is so touched by this, he struggles with words for a moment. I reach over to hold his hand, thrilled that my dad is being so sensible.

"I... I won't let you down, sir. Or her," Evan manages.

My dad shoots him a glare. "Will. Don't "sir" me. It makes me feel old. And listen, both of you. I forgive this fib. But I won't stand being lied to again."

"Of course not," I say, reaching for his hand, too.

"We're not saying grace, knock it off," my dad jokes, shaking off my hand. My dad is way more in touch and honest with his emotions than other men his age, but he can't handle awkwardness. Jokes are his best weapon against it and he uses them frequently. "Evan, the steak is spicy. I made it without wondering if a white boy could handle it. You can scrape off the peppercorns if you like."

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