Chapter Fourteen: Consequences

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I watch in awe as Evan's ambitious imagination comes to life, now freed from the chains of homelessness. He lists off all of the places he wants to apply to work. On our way to the Mission, he pulls me into a drugstore and helps me figure out what kind of foundation he should buy to cover the tattoos on his temple when he goes to job interviews. He is happy and free, blissful and light, flying high in the sky like a child's kite.

"Will you help me with my eyebrows?" he asks as we near the Mission. "I know they're gnarly but I've always been too afraid to try and fix them myself."

I laugh. "They aren't gnarly. Just need a little pluck here and there. We can do it when we get home."

"Home," he sighs happily, looking up at the Mission as he practically waltzes up the steps. "I will not miss this fucking place."

"We can do a facemask to make your skin bright, do a coconut oil treatment on your hair. Ms. Harper would love to help," I say.

"I can't tell if you're kidding, but I'm so down for all of that," Evan says gleefully.

"No, I'm dead serious," I say, grinning.

We walk into the Mission and I'm happy to catch a glimpse of Tia in the kitchen chopping vegetables in preparation for dinner. I walk over to her and give her a big hug.

"Hey, Audrey! How are you feeling?" she asks, giving me a quick squeeze before she frames my face in her soft hands. "Everything good?"

"Everything is great. I'll be back here after winter break," I say. She knows I go to visit my dad then. "All healed up and ready to roll."

"Good," she says happily. "We miss you." Then she catches herself. "But, like, no rush. Take your time."

"No rushing," I say, looking back at Evan. He hangs in the doorway of the kitchen, unsure if he's allowed to enter. "Um... we're here to get Evan's stuff."

Tia narrows her eyes at me for a moment before she slips off her plastic gloves and tosses them in the garbage. I follow her to the staff quarters and look back at Evan apprehensively as she unlocks it.

Evan makes a move to grab his stuff from just inside the doorway, but Tia holds up a hand. "Uh-uh. We gotta have a little talk, you and me. Listen, Audrey's an adult and can make her own decisions. You are also an adult and can make your own decisions. But you need to know that your decisions can have some serious consequences. I want you to know that there is an army of people ready to rip you to pieces and bury your bones if you hurt her. The cops will never find you."

This little talk warms my heart, but also gives me a touch of anxiety for Evan. I wonder what he'll say.

I watch in wonderment as he smiles. "Good."

Tia gives him an approving smile as she steps back to allow him entry into the staff quarters.

Evan grabs his backpack and guitar case. I reach for the guitar case and he hands it to me. Then he holds his arms out to Tia for a hug. She rolls her eyes in a sweetly maternal way as she hugs him.

"I mean it. I'll kick your ass myself," she tells him.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks for everything, Tia," he says.

"You're welcome," she says, patting his shoulder. "Let me know if you guys need anything. Anything at all."

"We will," Evan and I say in unison.

We leave the Mission hand-in-hand. There is no point in hiding anymore. The Mission serves a small, close-knit community within Portland's wide borders. Word will travel like wildfire.

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