Chapter 5

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After the game, Elsa gave me a tour of the town. I was shown your standard attractions. Such as statues, parks, and the like.

But none could compare to the tulip field on the edge of town.

It was truly a sight to behold. Rows upon rows of brightly colored tulips stretched across miles of land. Disappearing where the low-lying mountains met the horizon. All around us, an earthy fragrance wafted through the air. I inhaled deeply, letting it wash over me.

According to Elsa, The founders of New Holland planted the tulips ten years ago. Ever since then, the flowers remained Impervious to the changing seasons.

I had reason to doubt what she was saying. From what I'd seen, there were no valleys or lakes nearby. Meaning there was no way the soil would be fertile enough to sustain the tulips for a year, let alone ten.

When I brought this to her attention, Elsa just shrugged.

"Nobody really knows why. But because it's great for tourism they don't question it."

"Would your uncle know? doesn't he own everything in town?"

"Y/n, he runs everything in town. He organizes town meetings and that's pretty much it."

She scoffed.

"Even if he did know something, he'd never tell me."

"Y'know, your uncle's kind of a jerk."

"Tell me about it!" Elsa said, throwing her arms in the air.

"He acts like I'm this delinquent or something! always policing everything I do! which reminds me, I have a curfew."

As we made our way down the block, she continued her diatribe

"He's kept me inside doing nothing but chores all summer! I even have to negotiate with him if I want to take my dog for a walk."

"Do your parents know he treats you like this?"

Elsa shook her head.

"I've tried to tell them. But since he's the mayor people believe everything he says. Including my parents."

By now, we already made it to Elsa's house.

"You're welcome to come by anytime," I said.
"If your uncle allows it."

She rested her hand on the doorknob as she considered my offer.

"That could be arranged. You seem to have gotten on his good side earlier."

"If not, I can always negotiate," I joked.

Thankfully, Elsa laughed.

"That's for sure! see you around, Y/n."

"Bye, Elsa!"

She closed the door. I realized how dark it was getting and scurried home.

I recounted everything that happened to dad over dinner. In turn, he revealed he did some exploring himself while I was out.

"There was this creepy pet cemetery! you would've loved it, Y/n!" dad said, through a mouthful of pasta.

"Don't most people bury their pets in the backyard?" I asked.

"Maybe it's a rule made by the Homeowners Association. They seem to take maintenance very seriously here."


Timmy suddenly pointed behind us and squealed.

Confused, dad and I turned in the direction he was pointing. Then it was our turn to scream.

Staring back at us through the window was Weird Girl.

Frankenweenie 2: The Shocking Sequel (Nassorxreader)Where stories live. Discover now