Chapter 8

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For the next two days I was trapped in my house with absolutely nothing to do. My encounter with the creature no longer stood at the forefront of my mind. All I could think about was one thing, and one thing only:

Edgar, and Revenge.


Dad dropped me off at school on Thursday. The building was smaller than my old school. It only had one floor and there weren't many cars in the parking lot either.

"Cozy," dad commented. "Looks like you shouldn't have much trouble making friends, eh?"

"Fingers crossed," I replied.

I was sitting in the back seat next to Timmy. Dad would take him to the daycare center just up the road.

I opened the door, saying my goodbyes on the way out.

"Go forth and conquer, kiddo!" dad yelled after me.

Some kids looked up. 

"Dad!" I hissed, not wanting to cause a scene.

"Right, sorry!... love you! Bye!"

Dad peeled off down the road. I squared my shoulders and quickly went inside. People were definitely staring at me as I walked down the hallway.

I put my head down and tried to blend into the background. This didn't work out, unfortunately, and I collided with someone.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, kid!"

An older woman sneered down at me. She wore a tracksuit and had her hair in pigtails. By the looks of it, I'd bumped into the gym teacher. Just great.

"Sorry, ma'am," I mumbled.

"That's coach to you!"

She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Wait a minute, I've never seen you around here. Are you new?"

"," I replied, squirming under her intense gaze.

"Well, are you lost or something?"


She placed her hand in her hip and sighed.

"And I guess you want me to help you?"

I looked back at her.

"Fine!" She groaned. "But you're on your own after this. You're going into sixth grade, correct ?"

"Yes, coach."

"Thought so. Follow me."


I could hear kids talking as we approached the classroom. They fell silent the moment coach opened the door and stomped inside.

Elsa, who had been sitting behind Edgar, waved at me. But I was too nervous to wave back.

I recognized a few kids from the baseball game. Bob had his leg in a cast and there were a pair of crutches beside his desk. Victor half-smiled at me. His notebook was open on his desk, it looked like he'd doodled something inside.

"Everyone listen up!" coach barked, clapping her hands.

"We have a new student joining us today. I want you all to meet... what's your name again?"


"Y/n!" she shouted, making me flinch.

"And what do we say to our new classmate?"

"Welcome to New Holland, Y/n" they all droned. All except for one

He sat at the back of the class. He had a ghoulish countenance, and appeared as though he'd never cracked a smile in his life. A wave of Deja-vu washed over me the moment our eyes met.

"Nassor!" coach snapped. "where's that blonde girl who sits next to you?"

Nassor lazily cast his eyes towards the empty seat next to him.

"She's absent," he replied. He had a deep, gravelly voice and pronounced his S's with a profound lisp. It suited him.

"Well, that settles it then. Y/n, take your seat."

"Tough luck, thief!" Edgar whispered to me as I dragged my feet towards my desk.

Edgar, and Revenge. I repeated, clenching my fists.

Edgar, and Revenge.

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