Morning Rush

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                                                                     -Air Temple Island (M&B's room)-     

The room is quiet with the exception of a bird chirping every now and then, Bolin is the only one awake as he sits in bed listening to the snoring of his elder brother Mako.

Bolin: (poking out of window)  Morning Republic City!


Bolin: sorry

                                                                      -3 hours later-   

Bolin: psst Mako

Mako: *waking up* ughh what?

Bolin: Can I do the thing now? please (begging)

Mako: Wha- fine but I need a favour.

Bolin: Sure what do you need?

Mako: Go to the post office and pick up a parcel under Korra's name then bring it back here.

Bolin: Ok I won't let you down.

Bolin: *throws open window* GOOD MORNING REPUBLIC CITY!!

Now everyone knows that Republic City is a big place a tourist could easily get lost but Bolin was no tourist he had been living there his entire life, on the streets with his big brother Mako until the Triple Threats, a gang lead by 3 benders (fire, earth, water) took them in and taught them the ways of the trade, sending them as page-boys to deliver messages or as associates to the bigger members of the gang but after a couple years they left the thugs and started a career in the Pro-Bending scene, a former pro-bender, discovered the brothers fighting in town and offered them a place to live in his attic while letting them work odd jobs to pay rent, which allowed them to form a pro-bending team, the Fire Ferrets. and after it was closed they were invited to Air Temple Island, where we are now.

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