Inner Debate

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                                                                                    -M&B's room-

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                                                                                    -M&B's room-

Bolin: MAKO!!!! (kicks open door)

Mako: (chokes on water) *cough*cough* what?!?

Bolin: You need to see this!

Mako: See what?

Bolin: Well I got the package like you said and LOOK WHAT IT IS!!!

Bolin opens the package revealing Aang's glider

Mako: It's Aang's glider so what?

Bolin: WHaT dO yoU mEaN (mimicking Mako) "so what"!!! I didn't even know it still existed!!!

Mako: Well it does and its very special so take it to Korra's room.

Bolin: ughh You're such a buzzkill dude. (starts to leave)

Mako: oh and one last thing you are not under any circumstances allowed to use it, is that understood?

Bolin: pfft Why would I use it?

Mako: Bolin I'm being serious I'm under direct orders from Tenzin that we aren't allowed to use it ok this glider is a part of our history and belonged to Tenzin's father so if anything were to happen to it Tenzin would airbend you into the sea.

 Bolin: Ok ok I won't use it

Mako: Good now hurry up

Bolin: Yeah yeah I'm going don't get your eyebrows in a twist

Bolin: Yeah yeah I'm going don't get your eyebrows in a twist

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                                                                            -Korra's Bedroom-         

Bolin: Ok I just need to leave it here and then I'm done.

Mystery voice: What if you didn't leave it here?

Bolin: Hello? Whose there?

Mystery voice: No-one

Bolin: Then whose talking?

Mystery Voice: I'm you but cooler

Bolin: Hey! I'm cooler then a water bender during the eclipse

Mystery Voice: Sure you keep telling yourself that

Bolin: Ok if you're so cool then what would you do right now?

Mystery Voice: I'd take the glider to the top of that tower (Bolin looks at the tower in the centre of the island) and take it for a spin.

Bolin: WHAT?! No Mako said I'm not to use it under any circumstances.

Mystery Voice: Who cares what that unfaithful beanpole says?! He obviously doesn't think you can do it.

Bolin: I guess but are you sure? I might get in trouble or it could be dangerous!

Mystery Voice: Oh be quiet you live for danger, don't forget you're the great Nuktuk, you defeated countless enemies plus think how impressed Asami and Korra will be when they find out you can fly an air-glider!

Bolin: Oh god Tenzin is gonna kill me

Mystery Voice: Don't worry you'll be fine.

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