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1 week later

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1 week later

Jeongin's POV

I am currently in acting class listening to the new project that the teacher wants to do.

Someone raised their hand to ask a question. "Go ahead" the teacher let her ask the question. "What is this project about Mrs.Hwasa?" Jisoo asked and Mrs.Hwasa smiled. "This project is about defending, proving that love is one" she said and we all stayed confused at what does she want to express exactly. She chuckled "I want to help people who like the same gender to feel comfortable" "To know that is normal, because is love" "And that's what acting is about, to show emotions, a story that has a deep feeling, that can connect with the audience" she fondly say and we all smiled.

A student raised his hand, Mrs.Hwasa giving him permission to talk. "Won't this cause trouble for you, since you know..." "Here, we don't know if people may react in a good way..." "We don't even know if the principal will accept it" he said and we all agreed. "I already talked with the principal and she agreed" "Just remember" "We have to be brave and help those who are in need to hear and see that is fine with who they are" "Let's make those people happy and show them a unique and clichè story about two young mans who fall in love with each other" she stated and our eyes widened.

"Yes, this first time will be a story about two young mans" "The next one will be about two young woman's but for that we have to do a good job with this one" "Ok?" She said and we all shouted 'fighting!'. "Now, all the young mans in this class that want to participate may come to me right now so you can write your name on the list" the teacher sat on her desk taking out the paper of the list for names.

I was debating wether or not participate on it cause for fear of how people at school may react. But like, I want to be an actor, I have to practice and have to experience every kind of act without fear. I stood up and heard a sound of a chair of someone standing up too. I look and saw Hyunjae with wide eyes since we both stood up at the same time. We laughed and stood in line where some boys were standing, waiting to write their names on the list.

"Oh, and you have to obviously do an audition" the teacher says as me and Hyunjae finish writing our names on the list. "And the most fun part is that you will have to dance!" "And for that, the department of dance will be teaching the two final couple the dance that you will have to do in the act" she says excitedly. "The dance department chose two of their best students so there will be no problem" Me and Hyunjae choked by the sudden news. "Tomorrow at lunch time I will be in the theater handing the role scripts and explain what you have to do for the audition and when is going to be" "With nothing else to say, have a nice day!" She dismissed us.

Hyunjae and I went out of the class. "We have to dance..." "Interesting.." Hyunjae mumbled. "You can dance?" I asked out of curiosity and he nodded. "Me and my friends hobbies are one of those" he smiled and I hummed. "Do you?" he asked while we where walking towards the cafeteria. "I mean I have dance but not much.." I bit my lips kind of regretting putting my name on that list. Hyunjae seeing my mood drop he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, you can do it!" "It's just dance, besides you are THE Yang Jeongin!" He smiles cheering me up, causing me to smile back.

I shook my head "We will see" I brushed my hair back."But like, imagine us acting together again!" "It will be so much fun!!" Hyunjae said too loud and we started laughing cause some people started at us. "Yah!" I hit his shoulder slightly. "Don't be too loud" I hissed jokingly, earning a giggle from him.

We made our way to the cafeteria and parted ways to go to our friends. "Hi guys!" I greeted them and Lix engulfed me in a hug. "Innieee, I missed you!" He pouted and I pouted too. "I missed you too, Lixie" we both sat together me clinging to Lix. "You guys are babies" Seungmin said. "Aish, let them be" "You are just salty because your man hasn't arrived yet" Jisung stick his tongue out at him making Seungmin huff avoiding eye contact with us while me and Lix laughed at Seungmin's cute behavior missing Binnie.

Pls read(if you want to)

Hello there, dear readers

I'm back!

I hope you liked this chapter

Sorry for the misspelling errors

This was kind of a filler since I haven't updated in 17283838 years jsjs

Next chapter will be good! I promise!

Sorry for the slow update, blame the school :,)

Anyways, hope you guys are happy and healthy!!

Bye bye💛💛

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