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Hyunjin's POV

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Hyunjin's POV

I left Innie in front of his building with Felix while he was pouting cutely. I smiled remembering his cute face while I went inside with Minho to our building that was a little bit far from Innie's. "Aish, that squirrel wouldn't stop pouting..it made me sad seeing him being all cutely sad" Minho sighed and I chuckled but nodded. "Innie wouldn't stop pouting too" I smiled a bit. "Oh, here it's our first class" "Let's go in" I said and he nodded. We went inside our first class.

Minho and I have all the same classes since we are studying the same thing. When we graduate we want to make a dance academy together. We will be both in charge of it. But for that we have to work hard and do small steps to achieve it.

We sat in the middle of the middle big row of seats.

(Their classrooms look like this, just so you can imagine it more clearly)

(Their classrooms look like this, just so you can imagine it more clearly)

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The classroom was starting to get full minute by minute. When the classroom was finally full we heard the door open and we saw our professor walk in.

This class was about Business.

We have Business and Math on Monday's and Wednesday's, two hours each, and on Tuesday's and Thursday's we have English of one hour and fifteen minutes and dance classes of three hours. And we all have Fridays free.

I was surprised to see that the professor was young, I thought we will get an old grumpy man. We all went silent and he stood behind his desk. "Good morning, I'm John Suh but for you students it's Mr. Suh" he smiled. "At least he seems friendly" Minho whispered in my ear and I nodded. "Before we start the class I want you all to present yourself" "You will say your name, age, where are you from, and what do you expect from this class" "We are starting from this side" he said pointing the left side.

Jeongin's POV

We all finished presenting ourselves and Mrs.Hwasa began explaining what themes and concepts she was going to teach us this semester. Me and Felix were taking notes for some important things she said just to be prepared.

//𝒩ℯ𝒸𝓀𝓁𝒶𝒸ℯ🤍// ℋ𝓎𝓊𝓃𝒾𝓃 𝒻𝒻Where stories live. Discover now