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Jeongin's POV

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Jeongin's POV

It's Wednesday and I'm currently in my last class of today, wich is English, yay...
Me and Felix are literally about to sleep in this class since it's boring. "Ok class, you have a project that will be in PowerPoint,  to hand next Wednesday" Everyone was silently groaning. "You can select who will be you partner" she added. Me and Felix already knew that we will be doing it together so there was no problem in that. She explained the topics that we can choose and then she dismissed us.

Happily, me and Felix went out of the classroom. "Ok, let's do all the project on Friday so we can spend the weekend with our boyfriends" he puts his arm around my shoulder while we continue walking. "Then it's settled, let's do this for cuddles" I stated smiling and Felix looked at me proudly "For cuddles!" He exclaimed and we laughed ignoring the looks people were giving us. We stepped outside and decided to sit on a bench that was below a tree, in the university courtyard.

Twenty minutes passed and we could see the boys coming towards us. "Remember, sacrifice our free Friday for cuddles all weekend" Felix whispered to me before running and jumping into Chan's arms. I laughed and saw Jinnie waving at me before hugging me tight. "How was the day for my baby?" he asked and I slapped his arm "Am not a baby, Jinnie" I pouted and he pecked my pout. "Sure" he chuckled and grabbed my hand. I smiled shyly and interlaced our fingers. "Let's go and eat" "I'm starving to death" Minho whined and we all laughed and went to eat.

*An hour later*

Me and Hyunjin decided to go to a park that was near the University. Swinging our hands, enjoying the cool breeze, we walked in comfortable silence. Suddenly the random guy who was with Hyunjin the other day came to my mind.

We sat in the swings and it was silent until I decided to speak. "Jinnie.." I swing myself slowly. "Yes?" He asked and turned his attention to me. "Um..who was the guy f-from last Monday..?" I asked kind of embarrassed. "Oh, he is some guy that is in my Business class and we had to do a homework together" "Why?" He asked with curiosity. "J-just asking..." I avoided his gaze. "Innie, is something bothering you?" He asked and I didn't know what to answer. I mean, I know that is a yes but I didn't want to seem like a fool or something.

"No, everything is fine.." I smiled and he sighed. "You're lying" he stated and I stayed silent. "Is it the boy?" "I promise I haven't talk to him after Monday" he said and I shook my head. "It's not that silly" I chuckled. "You can talk with whoever you want" "That will be selfish of me to not let you talk to other people, and I'm not like that" I smiled and he stayed silent. "It's just..I-I'm insecure..." I whispered but I'm sure he heard me. He sighed and stood up from the swing and he knelt in front of me. "Innie.." he took my hands in his and I looked at him. "You don't have to be insecure of yourself" he smiled. "You are perfect just the way you are" he caressed the top of my hand.

"B-but..there are so many people much prettier than me..that will look better with you and that makes me question myself if me being with you is o-" Hyunjin cuts me off "Innie, stop overthinking" "You are mine and I am yours" "And for me, you are the only person who looks perfect next to me" "You are the one who makes everything seem perfect" he said and I smiled. "You are so cheesy" I chuckled and he glared at me "Way to ruin the moment Yang" he said face palming and I laughed. "Sorry, sorry!" I started giggling and he was about to trap me in his arms but I ran away. And that's how we ended up running around the park like little kids.

But that's what I love the most about our relationship. We have fun being childish, because the thing is that you never loose your childish self, you just hide it. And I love that we don't hide it, we just appreciate every moment we have to have fun.

I stopped running putting my hands on my knees. "I-I give u-up" I said trying to breath from all the laugh and running. Hyunjin just laughs "Lack of exercise, Yang" he laughed and I slapped his arm. "Shut up!" "And stop calling me Yang, I don't like it" I pouted. "Ok, ok" he smiles making me stand correctly. "You want smoothie or ice cream?" He asked and I jumped excitedly "Ice cream!" I smiled and he poked my dimples "Ice cream it is" he took my hand and we left the park to go and buy ice cream.

Hello there!!

I'm glad I had time to update

I hope you liked this chapter!!

Sorry for the misspelling errors

I don't know why I can't contain myself from writing cute chapters jsjs

I'm sorry if it's cringey

Anyways, remember to always stay safe and healthy!!

Until next chapter, bye bye!!!


//𝒩ℯ𝒸𝓀𝓁𝒶𝒸ℯ🤍// ℋ𝓎𝓊𝓃𝒾𝓃 𝒻𝒻Where stories live. Discover now