✿♡ 1 New kids? ♡✿

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~Your POV ~

You were sitting in class with your head down while your friend, Darci was trying to get your attention. "(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/N)!!". "HUH",you woke up from your daydream. "Were you even listening to me" Darci said.  "Of course I was listening to you...What were you saying".

"Why are you so busy daydreaming, is it because I'm boring or something". Darci says to you. "Of course not Darci it's just that I didn't get enough sleep last night. You say to Darci. "Well I was trying to ask you did you do the homework last night, I got stuck on a question and I couldn't figure it out?

"Are you talking about the math homework we had last night?" You say to Darci who nods at you. "Yeah I couldn't figure out the answer to number seven."Darci says. "I just selected a random answer because I didn't know either." I say to her. Then ms. Jannette (I think that's how you spell her name because I don't know) walks into class and tell us to sit in our seats.

"Alright class today we have two new students and I expect you to treat them with the same respect as everyone else" Ms. Jannette says to us. After she says that two kids walk in, a girl and a boy walk into the classroom and took there seats.

✿After class✿

After class I went to my locker and put  my books inside of my locker,then I went to go find steve. Yes steve, I somehow got steve to be nice to me and Eli. While I went to go find steve I bumped into someone because I was to busy daydreaming. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"It is no problem do you need help getting up" a female voice says.  You look up to see the same blonde girl aka one of the new kids. She lends out her hand to you, you accepted her hand as she helps you up. "Hi my name is Aja what's your name?"

"Hi my name is (Y/n) and thanks for helping me up". I say to Aja, "It is no problem anyways have you've seen my little brother Krel anywhere me and him need back home"? Oh she is talking about the really smart boy in our class.


While I was sitting in class I kept looking at the new boy for some reason. "Alright today we are continuing our math triangles". As she says that she draws a triangle on the bored but then the new boy....I think his name is Krel and to be honest...he's actually kinda cute.

"Ms. (L/n) are you going to pay attention or stare off into space?" You then snapped out of your trance and started to speak. "Sorry Ms. Jannette." You then notice that Krel was looking at you he looked like he was in a trance that was until you looked back him, he then turn away so you couldn't see his face, but what you didn't know is his face was turning red and was starting to blush

✷Back to the present✷

"Yeah I think I saw him outside side do you want me to help you look for him?" I say to Aja. "Yes please that would be helpful". Aja says to so we both walk outside to go find Aja's brother. While we were out there someone ran into me and fell, it was Eli. "You good Eli?" I ask him. "Yeah I'm fine I'm just in a rush to get to my locker". "Alright well I'm going to be going".

After I talked with Eli I went to go keep searching for Krel, that's when I see him at his locker it looked like he was waiting for someone, most likely his sister I then go up to him and tapped on his shoulder he then looks over and sees me.

It looked like he was in a trance again. "Hi I'm (Y/n)". I say handing out my hand, then he snapped out of his trance and shook my hand as well.

"Oh I'm my name is krel.

*.✧♡Out of this world.... Literally♡*.✧ (Krel X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now