✿♡Beetle mania♡✿

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Third person POV

It was quite at the Tarron's house, too quite to be in fact the only person in the kitchen was stewart (I think that's how you spell his name) he was scared since he was tied to a chair he then heard someone or something run pass him "Hello? Is anyone there? This isn't the least bit funny!"

Then a figure came right in front of him, he screams a little. "Okay mug. We're only gonna do this once. Are you ready to talk?" The male blanc says to stewart, the blanc the turns on one of the oven burners and puts there hand over it and starts to talk again. "Quit your jitterbuggin' , you gashouse palooka. We can either do this the hard way-" then the female blanc then comes in.  "Or the very hard way. No one messes with our children without messing with us first. So, what'll be?" The female blanc say angrily to stewart.

"Before I answer that, um-" before stewart could even finish his sentence varvotos comes in. "Stand aside, you glorified washing machines, and leave the torture to a professional". The blanc's then walks away from the kitchen. "Taco merchant, you will tell us why you were spying on Varvatos' charges, or Varvatos will feed your eyes!" Varvatos says to stewart.  Varvatos kept threatening him until Aja says something, "We should never have taken him back home with us."

She then smells something weird in the air and scrunches up her face. "Ugh what is that horrendous stench?" She says in disgust. "Must be the smell if fear, as Varvatos was about to introduce this menace to the art of torture!" Varvatos says to the two royals behind him. "You don't have to torture me at all". Stewart says to him, "I come in peace and all that jazz". Stewart says again to which caught Krel interest. "Jazz? Now you have my interest." Krel says to him

Time skip (because I don't wanna waste your time)

"Our refrigerator is running". Aja says , "Jeez. Is this place up to code?" Stewart asked. "Skeltegs?" Krel seemed confused on how they got onto the mother ship. "We seem to have developed a skelting infestation". Mother says to everyone. "Seem to? This is your fault Aja". Krel says to his sister. While she tries to squish a skeltegs. "Don't even start." Aja says back. "You were the one obsessed with skelteg fighting!" Krel yells to his sister while he was trying to make the skeltegs flying around him but while doing that he falls behind there couch in the process. "On Akiridion-5. It's easy money". She says the her zbrother he was currently on the floor.

"This is horrible." Stewart says. "How are there so many?" Varvatos asked out loud. "Well you have a house full of electronics and creatures that feed on them, and breed!" Stewart says to Varvatos. "Interior camouflage diminishing" mother says to everyone.

"What's the status of our exterior camouflage?" Varvatos asked mother.
"Failing. It will only be a matter of time before you are exposed to the whole neighborhood." Mother says to everyone. "Kleb-tastic" Krel says sarcastically to his sister. "Your skelteg obsession is going to out our whole secret to everyone on this dump heap." "Don't make me dump heap you, Krel". Aja says back to him. "That didn't even make sense". Krel says to Aja.

"Don't worry, A - fivers. Stuart can turn those those frowns upside down". Everyone looks at stuart confused, "it just means I can make you happy". Stuart then falls back in the chair, "untie me please"! Stuart says desperately, they all look at each other and decided to untie him "Thank you so much" stuart says to them.

Time skip

The Tarron's, Varvatos, and stuart were all walking to stuarts shop on the way there Aja got a text message from you "Oh look there Krel I've gotten a message from (Y/n)". Aja says to her brother. "How did you get her phone number"? Krel asked her. "Why do you want to know little brother"? Aja asked her brother with a smirk on her face. " N-no reason" Krel says while turning his face away from his sister. "Ok little brother". Little did Krel know what Aja was really thinking in her head. Dose my little brother consider (Y/n) as a friend?

(A/n) Sorry I was taking so long to update I had alot of school work to do anyways I hoped u enjoy this chapter (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

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