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Moving on from the call with her father Y/N makes a side trip before heading his way, there is one last thing to do before she can relax...


*knock knock*

Nezu: Come on in, my, young Aizawa how delightful to see you. Would you care for a cup of tea? I had just brewed a nice spot of chamomile.

Y/N: I'm not usually one for tea but I'll make an exception this time around, I've come to give you a report on my activities of late.

Nezu: Good good, I'll pour you a cup and we can seat ourselves at the desk to get down to business.


A lengthy conversation later...

Nezu: Ahh so that is the proper story, let me first thank you for protecting our students. Now are there any more assignments that you are supposed to be undertaking?

Y/N: Not for a while I don't think.

Drifting off Y/N focuses her gaze onto a nearby chessboard... She had used to play it a fair bit to pass the time back with her-

Nezu: Care for a game perhaps?

Y/N: H-huh? um I-

Nezu: It's been a while since I've been able to play it, none of the other staff members are willing to humor me anymore. 

Y/N: I suppose it would be nice to pass the time, besides, we can't have you go stir crazy just because no one is willing to best you in a simple game of chess.

Nezu: Brilliant! I shall prepare the board for us. Say which side do you play? White or Black?

Y/N: I'm always black.

It was a weekend so since there was no school the two happily agreed to the change of pace and Nezu himself was thrilled to have someone to indulge him in a game of wits. The two played chess for the duration of the morning along with tea, An occasional discussion on teaching philosophies was shared as they passed the time.

 The two played chess for the duration of the morning along with tea, An occasional discussion on teaching philosophies was shared as they passed the time

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Our dear companion Fang was deeply missing his beloved master Y/N. He knew she trusted him to keep their home safe while she was away but a stray scent in the air led him away towards the school. Soft thumps from his paws echoed in the empty halls but the scent was growing stronger and he knew he was closing in.

Coming up to a door with quite the low door handle Fang was able to open the door himself and nudge through the two players so immersed in their game that they didn't notice him enter. Walking up and seating himself next to Y/N nudging her for pets, she looked over to him and a blissful smile graced her lips. It was a beautiful moment for them all to share, Fang then joined them in their game suggesting moves on the sidelines but otherwise watched as they all enjoyed the atmosphere.

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