Beauty meets Deadly

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Sound of sirens and the flashing of lights in the now far distance our assassin is still running across the rooftops. Tired, sore, and experiencing blurred vision from the use of her quirk Y/N slows to a halt. A beautiful full moon had just begun to rise over the cityscape casting a ghostly light upon her slightly paled features as she still has yet to recover from the blood loss.

A single tear is shed falling from her cheek to the abyss below her as she stood on the very edge of a tall building. Once there was a time when her missions would leave no effect on her and she'd be able to go about her business without issue, but when she is in the company of her friends and loved ones... the raw emotions break through her mental defenses and she begins to feel again.

*Bakugou POV*

Bakugou: I have had enough of that fucking prick of a munted cunt bastard!

Needing to cool off I walk out of the building where I'm interning and look up at the sky. There are never any stars here in the city, unlike when I'm hiking in the mountains, there's too many to count there. Looking at the light in the sky, untouchable by even the weaker stars that can't hold anything to it. Yeah, I have a soft spot for it, it reminds me of my path to becoming the best and brightest light that there will ever be with nothing standing in my way. 

An image of Y/N comes to mind as I stare up at the moon. So cold yet warm, so distant even though it feels within reach, so alone... 

Then something wet hits my cheek, I raise my hand to wipe it off and it looked like water.

Bakugou: What the hell? it's not even raining...

Confused at what caused that I scan the building to see if there was some leaking pipe or something. I thought I was seeing things when I saw the silhouette of a woman with long hair whipping against the wind standing atop the roof of the building.

Bakugou: Y/N?...

Is that her? what was she doing here? I pry my eyes away to head inside towards the elevator but the damn thing took too long so I took the stairs all the way up to the rooftop. When I arrived at the top level I opened the door and saw the woman still there, she was transfixed in the moonlight that shone down on her. Leaving the door open behind me I make my way to her, the closer I got the more sure I was that it was Y/N so I called out to her.

Bakugou: Oi Silver, shouldn't you be at your internship? Quit wasting your time and- ...Silver?

She hadn't even flinched at his presence or his words, as if she were in her own little world escaping from her current reality. It was then that Bakugou remembered what led to him noticing her in the first place. On her face was the smallest glimmer of a tear stain running down her face. Fuck now what is he supposed to do, she's always so strong in front of others except for that one time...

Bakugou: Hey, can you even hear me? Y/N-

Reaching out and resting my hand on her shoulder to see if she would snap out of it Y/N quickly turned to me with her eyes slightly widened, it seemed that she only just now noticed my presence. She's really out of it...

Bakugou: What the hell happened?

Y/N: Bakugou? what are you doing here?

Bakugou: That's what I'm asking you Silver, this is the rooftop of where I'm interning. What's gotten into you, you're acting out of it.

Y/N: Nothing that has to be of your concern Hotshot.

Bakugou: Bit late to say that now when I've come all the way up here, so don't avoid the question and tell me otherwise that means I've wasted my time coming up here.

Y/N: I-

Bakugou: ... I'm listening Silver.

Y/N: I accomplished my latest mission earlier... some of the others were there before I could get to my target.

Bakugou: Others?

Y/N: Huge incident that you'll hear on the news tomorrow, big Nomu attack happened before anyone could react. Amaris, Todoroki, Iida, and Midoriya were all present... While I was there as an assassin, not a hero.

The boy raised his eyebrows slightly at this, at first he felt pissed off that he missed out on the real action, then when Y/N mentioned what was actually the reason for her current state he focused on that.

Bakugou: So what? we've already seen you nearly kill that crusty handjob villain what could be worse than that.

Y/N: I killed him... Right in front of Midoriya, he saw first hand, I'm not sure if the others noticed me.

Bakugou: That soft cunt isn't going to do much about it, he knows your position enough to know you don't have a choice in what missions you are assigned. Besides, if that little bastard does whine about it like a bitch it'll give me an even better reason to beat his ass.

Looking over at her Bakugou saw that she was still lost in thought about it, the despair in her eyes became more noticeable and so the blonde boy made an effort to stop her thoughts from becoming darker.

Bakugou: Either way it's not going to be the end of the world now is it? Tch it's not like the brat means that much to you does he.

A feeling of dread hit Bakugou as he finished that sentence. He didn't mean to say it like that- fuck. Leaning forwards onto the safety rail the boy let out an exasperated sigh trying to play off what he just said. Y/N listened though and agreed that it wouldn't be the end of the world... although she was still troubled knowing that what she does is a hard pill to swallow even for the most kind-hearted and understanding.

Joining Bakugou against the railing she leaned into him very softly, thankful at that moment for his acceptance of what she does. They both just remain there with their arms sharing warmth amidst the cold breeze that encompassed them among the heights of the city.

Y/N: Thank you Bakugou.

Bakugou: For what exactly.

Y/N: Not telling.

Bakugou: Why the fuck not?

Y/N: Cause that'll spoil my fun.

Bakugou: Pfft, the hell... Heh, at least your not boring Silver.

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