chapter 1

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"Jazz i cant belive youre leaving" J.J said for the gazillionth time " İ mean like we were friends forever and now you're leaving" She was looking at one of my skirts

"Are you taking this with you?"

"Ooohh i always adored this shirt" Added Tess

"İts all your's" İ said.

"You know you leaving stinks" Said Jake while leaning on my closet and playing with my slinky

"Yeah i figured" İ said and he gave me one of his rare smiles.İ smiled back

My father had to move because his job so we were supposed to move to L.A. He is the ceo of a really cool electronics company. They make computers,cell-phones and games. İ won't tell you the name but if i told you you would surely know. Anyways. İ was sorting out the last pieces of clothes than we would get going"


"JAAZZZZZ" Tess and J.J screamed at thea same time while i got off the car.They started running towards me. "J.J , TESS " İ screamed back while they both started hugging me. "Girls...cant..breathe..." They both let go of me and said sorry bu..t hey,who cares im back baby !!!After the girls finished hugging me jake came and pulled me in to a bear hug. Unlike the usual Jake he had a huge smile on his face.

"Hey Jazz long time no see " He said after 2 years  i had came back to home. But not really the way İ had imagined. When we moved my mom was really sad because she had to leave her life behind and after we moved they started to fight. Finally they decided to have a devorce. Soo here i am back at home with mom while my dad is back at LA. 



This chapter is edditted :D

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