Part 15 : Hello future in-laws

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'What do you think you're doing?' Sunbo asked the staff holding his handphone behind the counter. He is too absorbed in it and doesn't even realised Sunbo walking in. 'I thought Boss made it clear not to use handphone during your shift?'

Shen apologise immediately. He was not aware of Sunbo coming in. 'I'm sorry. I'm waiting for an important call today.'

Sunbo nods. 'Be alert of the customers coming in. Just take a leave for today if you need to.' It's rare for Shen to be distracted. 

Sunbo spent time at the cafe helping Zhigang with the new menu and marketing effort to attract more people to their cafe. Good thing that they maintained the parking lot, so their customer can spent more time at the cafe without worrying about their cars. They expanded the outer spaces as well to accommodate more patrons for private events. They also upgraded the labelling and packaging to make it more appealing to the younger generations. People DO judge things by it's cover. A sloppy decor and food presentations will sully the most wonderful products. They work hard to get the best supply from the twins family, not to mention additional funds from the Sun's family for the expansion. 

Sunbo noticed Shen is paying way too much attention to Zhigang, way more than he likes. 

'How's you coping up with work?' Sunbo asked. Since Shigu is only helping out now and then at the cafe since he is busy in his second year, the assistant supervisor title is now Shen's. He is a student from a private highschool nearby. He works hard and never cause them trouble. He also leads the other staffs and new part-timers well. 

'It's good. Is there a problem with my performance?' 

'No, you are doing well. I'm just wondering if there's anything we can do to make your work more enjoyable.'

'I will let you know if I need help with something. Thank you for your concern Lǎo bǎn niáng. '

Sunbo chuckles at the name. He had introduces himself is Zhigang's wife to all the staffs at their cafe. The staffs address Zhigang as Boss, and Sunbo as Boss's Lady (Lǎo bǎn niáng ). Only Shigu address Zhigang as Brother and Sunbo by his name. 

'Is there anyone flirting with my boyfriend while I'm away?'

Shen smiles at the question. He will do his best to protect Zhigang from unwanted attention. And he always do his best during weekend so Zhigang would be able to spent more time with Sunbo. He takes it as his responsibility for the cafe operation to run smoothly. He also likes Shigu-ge to be able to spend time with Xiang Hao Ting, so since the beginning, he gave his 100% at work, even more than he did for his school assignment.   

'Hmmm..there's two guys from a few blocks away that likes to drop by before our closing time. They left their numbers a few times. Shigu helps get rid of them. Sometimes I help get rid of them too. They're harmless but persistent. I will keep an eye on them.' 

Sunbo doesn't like what he heard. He checks the CCTV for the culprits that is trying to seduce his Zhigang.


Madam Sun sat opposite Mr & Mrs Lu. 

'I am sure you already know who am I? But nice to meet you finally, Mr & Mrs Lu. This is my son and my daughter-in-law. They're the parents of Sun Bo Xiang who is currently dating your son. '

Mr Lu just clears his throat, but he just look across the room calmly. He knows the woman in front of him. They size up each other from head to toe. 

Madam Sun continues, 'If you missed your son, why not just say it?'. The question is directed at Mr Lu. 

'As a son, he should have come home and apologise properly.' 

'For what?' Madam Sun retorts. 'For loving a man?'

Mr Lu did not reply. Over the years, Zhigang had not once returned home. No call, no news, no nothing. Even though his family is still talking about Zhigang, they hushed their voices or fall into complete silence when he's around. Almost 15 years had passed since Zhigang left with his small bag. His perfect son. He had sleepless night thinking about his safety, but his ego doesn't let him beg. Years passes and his regrets continues. He doesn't understand how can a man loves another man. It is not right. In that short few minutes of anger, he burst out. He slapped his precious son for the first time, saying words he is ashamed of when he remembers that day. 

The room is silent as they took their tea, slurping it slowly to soothes their hearts. Mrs Lu fidget in her seat, she dares not defy her husband. There's so much she wants to ask. 

'I hope you like the photo that I sent you last time. This is the one we took earlier this week, for Bo Xiang's birthday.' Madam Sun put the photos on the table. 

Mrs Lu took the photo, tracing her trembling fingers on the centre of the photo. She smiles thinly. Her son is smiling brightly, but she is not there with him. He's surrounded by a family that is not his. 

' Love has expiration date you know, either by death or by time. Sometimes, people gave up on waiting and will just move on.' Madam Sun continues. 'It is better to swallow your pride and accept our child as they are. They are not hurting anyone with loving. Just think of how much Zhigang had to endures, unable to be free with his choice. Our family will gladly accept Zhigang into ours. Once it's legal, there's nothing you can do to get him back. Divorce is not in our dictionary.'  She said firmly. Then she excused herself after thanking them for their hospitality.

When she reached the door, a familiar face walks in. 

'Madam Sun...' Shen is startled but immediately greet the head of the Sun household. Why is she here? Did she knows?

Madam Sun smiles with a glint of tease in her eyes. 'Good day to you too Lu Wang Shen.' 

She knew from some time back about the new staff they hired. It is quite rare for a kid studying in a private high school to be wanting to work at a small cafe for minimum hourly pay. She wonders if Shen has a crush with Zhigang. A little background check wont hurt. What she found out is interesting.

'Better not let Bo Xiang find out you're taking secret photos of his Zhigang. You know how possessive he is. I shared some clearer photos with your grandparents.' She winks and marched away. 

Mr Lu clears his throats again when his wife looks at him for explanation. 

Shen took a seat in front of them. Not sure how he can start his weekly report. His grandpa had requested him to get a work for himself. He is free to keep the salary and Mr Lu will add in additional allowance for some tasks he asks of him. 

Keep an eye on Zhigang and report back to him on weekly basis. And keep it as a secret from anyone. 

'Just show your grandma the photos.'

Shen hesitates, but steps closer to his grandma. He scrolls the photo gallery full of photos. In it are photos of Zhigang working, laughing, eating, just going about his day. 

Tears fell from her face. Her son is all grown up and she wasn't there to be part of his life.  

She asks, 'Did he recognised you?'

Shen shakes his head. Zhigang did not remember him. He was barely a kid when Zhigang left. A nephew he probably did not even remember. 

A/N: Shen is the character I introduced briefly in MODC:Domestic. He is not in the original story. He's a part timer that joined the cafe when Sunbo got accepted into uni.  There is one character that showed up in the series as Zhigang's nephew but I just wanna use a new character that is unknown. I only watched MODC and Crossing The Line. I don't really have any idea about the rest. 

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