Part 21 : 7th year

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A/N: There's this idea of 7th year itch of romantic relationship. Some couples couldn't make it past this critical period. 


Everyone gathered at the restaurant for dinner. The Suns and the Xiangs just want to splurge a little bit more on the dinner compared to the previous year. 

Plus Sunbo has some things he had planned to surprise Zhigang with. 


The twins showered the two couples with confetti pops and flowers. Since Sunbo - Zhigang, and Haoting-Shigu got together just a few months apart, they usually celebrate their anniversary around the same time. Haoting did spent a few more months chasing after Shigu. 

Time flies. They had been together for 7 years. 

Zhigang smiles, holding the flower bouquet shyly after they cut the cut and distribute it. He sat at the table, chatting with Shigu. Sunbo and Haoting is chatting and punching each other at the further side of the restaurant. They always bicker non-stop. 

'Zhigang-ge, smile please!', Mei Fang focuses her attention to him. 

Shigu excuses himself and lets the attention focus solely on Zhigang. He makes his way towards Haoting, lightly snuggling into Haoting's awaiting arms. 

Zhigang blushes at the sudden attention and camera flash. It would feel less awkward if Sunbo is with him, but he couldn't find him anywhere in the room. 

Soft music is playing in the background. 

Montage of Sunbo and Zhigang is projected to the wall. 

First year - the couple ring, the high school graduation vacation, the keys to their apartment.

Second year - The university, the biweekly drive, the new renovated cafe.

Third year - The random weekend vacation, family trips, camping.

Fourth year - Further cafe expansion, learning to cook their favourite foods, couple trips overseas, graduation.

Fifth year -Back to live together, new house, multiple attempts of sneaking veges into Sunbo's meal.

Sixth year - The Sun & Lu's family, birthday noodle soup. 

Seventh year...

Zhigang blushes even further when he realised he is the centre of attention. Mrs Sun is hugging his Mom at one of the table. No montage of Haoting and Shigu playing. He stands awkwardly at his table, fiddling with the bouquet of roses, unsure what to do.

'Lu Zhi Gang.' Sunbo walks up to him from nowhere, now standing opposite of him. He holds Zhigang's hands, squeezing them reassuringly. 'I told you before, I will never get bored of you.'

His lips curled into his signature grin. 

'Whenever you need me by your side, I will drop anything and will put you as my priority...You know... After being with you all this years, it made me realised that it was the other way around. '

The light music continues playing and everyone present just silently listening. Mei Fang and her team thread carefully across the room to get a great footage but they turned off the flashes and focuses on video footage as not to distract the mood. 

Sunbo paused for a bit before he continues, 'You are the one who always dropped everything and put me as priority. ALWAYS. Without fail.

You allowed me to be in your life, your house, your cafe. 

You pushed yourself not to burden me, you always insisted that you are fine so I will not get worried.

 You kept the house so clean no matter how many times I messes things around with my Gundam stuff.

 You get along with my Mom so well and learn to make my favourite food just to make me happy.

 You wore the Hawaiian shirt I got for you although you hated the floral patterns.

You, my darling, is making me happiest.'

Zhigang smiles shyly at the confessions. His eyes getting teary. 

Sunbo returns the smile and lightly brushed his hand on Zhigang cheek. Then he get down on one knee.

'Everything I had done for this past 7 years is out of my own selfishness to be with you. Before I met you, I never have this consuming desire to be successful at anything. Would you allow me to be even more selfish and have you for myself?'

Zhigang wipes his tears, and nods. 

'Lu Zhi Gang ... will you marry me?' Sunbo offers the ring.

'Yes.' came the answer. 

The restaurant boomed with claps and cheers. Mrs Sun embrace Mrs Lu happily. Mr Sun just clap at everything. Madam Sun pops some confetti at the direction of Mr Lu - to celebrate and also to annoy the old man. Haoting hugs crying Shigu in his arms. The twins hug Mei Fang while cheering at the top of their lungs, only to earn some scoldings for interfering with her works. Mrs Xiang and Yong Ching is dancing happily around Mr Xiang. Everyone else celebrates in their own way...except for the restaurant workers. They have some serious cleaning to do later. 

Sunbo turns towards the crowd after adding the new ring on the slender finger. 

'I'm getting married!' He grinned. 'We'll register it tomorrow!' He purposely said it aloud to Mr Lu. Sunbo had booked the signing and prepared the paperwork since last year. Nothing will stop him from making Zhigang legally his. 

Mr Lu ditched the tea and poured himself a hard liquor. He still hates that loud baldy gorilla.


A/N: Our Financial Year just ended. It's a mess if you are working in corporate office to chase the Accounts receivable (AR). Hope ya'll well.

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