Made in You

194 15 7

Part Two|

I stormed into my room and took the divorce letter from my briefcase. I tore the papers into smaller pieces before tossing them into the dustbin

Suho-I must have lost my mind

I sat down on the floor, burying my face in between my legs

Cheonsa-Oh, daddy is home!

I looked up at Cheonsa and Chanwoo who were running towards me. Chanwoo came straight into my arms and I hugged him

Suho-Aw, did you miss me?
Cheonsa-Where did you go?
Suho-I was working. I'm sorry

I caressed my daughter's cheek. She sat on my lap

Cheonsa-Where is mommy?
Suho-Mommy,.. Uhm, mommy went to the hospital. Her stomach hurts
Suho-Because mommy has a baby in her stomach
Cheonsa-You mean a baby like Chanwoo before?

I nodded. Cheonsa shot up and jumped around feeling happy. She had experienced in this but for Chanwoo, it was his first time. He didn't know what it meant yet

Suho-Chanwoo, you will be a big brother

Of course he wouldn't understand, he could barely talk yet

Cheonsa-When will mommy come home?
Suho-When her stomach doesn't hurt anymore. So you should pray that you little sibling will not put mommy in a hard time anymore
Cheonsa-Okay, I will pray every minute
Chanwoo-Chanwoo pray
Suho-Hmm, Chanwoo pray too okay?

He nodded obediently


Chorong had been admitted for three days now. And for three days too I absent from work because I had to look after the kids. If I didn't then who would?

But today I felt like I'd been tested. A text came in from Mr Jang telling me I was fired. Like for real

I sat quietly on my couch staring at my screen. I sighed deeply

Cheonsa-You okay dad?
Suho-Yeah, I'm fine

I couldn't tell her otherwise

Cheonsa-Cheer up. Everything will be fine
Suho-I hope so

I ruffled her hair. I glanced to my side at Chanwoo who was sleeping soundly on the couch next to me

Cheonsa-Daddy, who named me when I was born?
Suho-It was me. Why do you ask?
Cheonsa-My teacher wants us to ask the meaning of our names. So what does Cheonsa means?

I smiled and caressed her cheek

Suho-It means Angel
Cheonsa-You named me after an Angel?
Suho-Of course. Because you... When you came into my life, it was like a miracle
Cheonsa-Is it still miraculous now too?
Suho-Of course, every day

She smiled angelicly

Cheonsa-Dad's other name is Suho right? What does it mean?
Suho-Suho means a Guardian. Your mom gave me the  name
Cheonsa-Oh, it suits you!
Suho-Well, I think I'm not good enough to use that name anymore

Ring! Ring!

My phone buzzed. It was a video call from Chorong

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